Bible and Theology Ancient Inscriptions Agree with Bible May 5, 2019 Names written on pieces of pottery, clay and stone agree not only that Bible characters existed, but confirms the dates they lived. CONTINUE READING
Media Free Creation Films Easily Shared April 18, 2019 At the John 10:10 website, La Mirada offers s spectacular selection of great faith-building and apologetics films. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Humans: Uniquely Endowed, Unnaturally Evil July 1, 2018 How could such 'fearfully and wonderfully made' beings be capable of unspeakable atrocities? CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Radiocarbon Dating Is Not Globally Uniform May 31, 2018 Adjustment required for dates in the Levant could undermine published results by decades and impact debates about Biblical chronology. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods How Long Does Geology Take? April 13, 2018 Geological change can occur quickly, if conditions are right, affecting life and civilization. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Biblical Archaeology Scores Three More Confirmations February 25, 2018 Artifacts mentioning Biblical names continue to turn up in the lands of the Bible. One announced this week is the talk of the town. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Kingdom of David and Solomon Supported by Growing Evidence November 25, 2017 The evidence is coming together to support the Biblical record of David and Solomon. An Israeli publication updates the latest finds. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science Fights Christian Values October 22, 2017 Secular scientists have more than just Darwinism to offer as an alternative to creation. They have political clout to fight traditional values with anti-Christian political and educational positions. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Bombs Unearth Assyrian Palace July 9, 2017 Announced at the end of February, this story bears repeating for students of Old Testament history. CONTINUE READING
Intelligent Design Amazonia Not Pristine March 2, 2017 The tropical rainforests of Brazil, once thought to be pristine habitats of noble savages, show evidence of mass reworking by humans for millennia. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Copper Mine at Timna Shows Solomon's Power January 12, 2017 Continuing discoveries in the Timna Valley in southern Israel near the Gulf of Aqaba show the widespread and dominant influence of Solomon's kingdom. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Christianity Could Help Scientists’ Moral Concerns January 8, 2017 When all else fails, look to the Word of God. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Biblical Archaeology Finds to Watch December 2, 2016 Are Moses and Jesus corroborated by extra-Biblical artifacts? Here's the good and the bad about two interesting yet controversial finds. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Church of the Holy Sepulcher Repairs Underway October 28, 2016 The alleged site of Jesus' burial and resurrection is being opened for the first time in centuries. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Joshua Was Right about Hazor July 25, 2016 Broken statue pieces from Tell Hazor indicate the Bible was right about the importance of this archaeological site in Israel. CONTINUE READING