Mars Meteorite Life Ruled Out

The meteorite that sparked the new science of Astrobiology in 1996 was not biological; it was geological.

Will the new Space Telescope See the Origin of Life?

Spending Another $10 Billion to Prove Atheism: Another Proposal to get Life from Non-life   by Jerry Bergman, PhD Atheism might have had its defenders long before Darwin, but as Richard Dawkins has famously said, “Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”[1] Not quite. To be an intellectually fulfilled atheist, a viable […]

Planetary Scientists Are Myth-Directed

They imagine life on every planet. But it is illogical to build a case on a sample size of one.

Why Scientists Brag About Things They Cannot Know

Undeserved authority bestowed on scientists allows some of them to boast of knowledge they don't have.

Water on the Planetary Science Brain

Hydrocephaly is a physical brain ailment, but hydrobioscopy is a philosophical brain malady.

Astrobiologists Ignore Life Complexity

To astrobiologists, cells are just emergent collections of matter. The difficulty of getting them to emerge escapes their notice.   Planetary scientists revealed their bad habit of hydrobioscopy again this week. They reasoned, Saturn’s little moon Enceladus has water; it has methane; it could have life! Why is that their focus? Why are they ignoring […]

Scientists Are Warming Up to UFOs

What has long been dismissed as fanaticism about UFOs has lately gone mainstream. What’s up? There have always been UFOs, as unidentified flying objects. In that category, even birds or the planet Venus qualify – until they are identified. But claims that UFOs represent advanced technologies of enemy countries or (gasp!) space aliens have long […]

NASA Indoctrinates Kids to Expect Aliens

Students in public schools have no chance to hear the reasons why life cannot "emerge" from rocks and water.

Prediction: NASA Will Not Find Life on Mars

The Perseverance rover landed today. As usual, the search for life is a priority for the mission.

Seeing Fake Life in Dead Minerals

Fooled by wishful thinking, some paleontologists call round things microfossils when they were never alive.

Water Quickly Evaporates on Mars

Scientists overestimate how much water could exist on Mars. New studies show it can't last even a day.

UFOs and SETI Are Not the Same

A secular astronomer distinguishes belief that space aliens exist and the notion that they have visited Earth.

Extraordinary Claim: Life on Venus?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, scientists like to say. One smelly molecule is not enough to claim life.

Aiming Blindly: Darwinism Is Inherently Contradictory

Once in awhile, evolutionists see fundamental problems in Darwinism. But they continue believing it anyway.

Nutty Evolutionist Seduces Lady Luck, Gets Good Press

You can get away with nonsense if you dress it up in seductive jargon. Evolutionists have mastered this trick.
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