Big Science Loves ID – Sometimes

Despite institutional rejection of intelligent design, researchers are attracted to ID when it can make money, make them famous, or advance understanding of nature.

Year-End Biomimetics Parade

What better way to end the year than a celebration of biomimetics, where fun and useful science never ends thanks to nature's inspiring designs?

What Good Is a Hairball?

When you start looking for clues to good designs in nature, the results are everywhere.

Inspiring Life Tricks

These tricks are enough to make an inventor run to the patent office.

Planning Your Next Revolutionary Invention

To innovate something people will want, follow the leader: the Creator of living creatures.

Inspiring Life Motivates Designers

Here's the latest collection of bio-inspired designs brought to you by plants, animals, and cells.

Spiders Play Silk Harps

Spider webs are so finely-tuned, they are like musical instruments that the creatures can strum or listen to.

Weekend Biomimetics Parade

Here's a quick list of exciting news about how imitation of nature's designs is leading to wonderful inventions.

Smart Scientists Borrow Natural Designs

Scientists and engineers are back in school, learning from the best teachers: plants and animals.

Re-inventing Transportation by Watching Animals

Here are 3 ways science is advancing through the imitation of nature.

Design Inspires Scientific Advances

When you see cutting-edge science in materials and methods, you are likely to read "Inspired by Nature."

Plastic Proteins and Turtle Skis

Here's news about the latest technologies coming out of biomimetics, the imitation of nature's designs.

Nature Inspires Hi-Tech Design

Scientists and engineers continue the gold rush to imitate nature's solutions to problems.

Invisible Subs and Other Tricks Inspired by Life

Working scientists seem less focused on evolution and more on design these days, figuring out how animals and plants do amazing things.

Hair Makes You Bigger and Warmer

Scientists found that hair increases a beast's surface area by a factor of 100.
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