Inspiring Designs in Life

When scientists look closely at living designs, they think, Wow! That's cool! I wonder if we could copy that?

Scientific Progress Is Spelled "Bio-Inspiration"

Need fundamental insights into physics and technology? Look no further than the living world.

Insects Worth Respecting

Most six-legged creatures are small and we give them little notice. Here are surprises that entomologists are discovering in some very special insects.

Sunday Inspiration

Need inspiration? Look at designs in nature. Even secular scientists are getting inspired.

Biological Systems Provide Infinite Design Inspiration

It's not likely engineers and biologists will run out of inspiration from biology anytime soon. The source is infinite.

Robots Imitate Life

The goal of robotics is to imitate what humans and animals make look easy.

Man Climbs Glass Like a Gecko

Bio-inspired technologies are starting to reach the market.

Inventions Inspired by Mother Nature's Designs

Biological solutions to physical challenges are inspiring new technologies.

Pitcher Plant Inspires R&D Award

The R&D 100 award, previously given for inventions like the fax machine and automated teller machine, has been given this year for a biologically-inspired design that could revolutionize society in many ways.

Elephant Trunk Inspires Robot Arm

Scientists are trying to imitate the smooth, supple movements of an elephant's trunk.
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