Scientists Are Not Always Wise on Policy

A head buried in academia doing government-funded research may not be good in public policy.

Solutions Come from Freedom and Ingenuity, Not Government

Look at these fantastic examples of potential solutions to world problems coming from motivated scientists.

Leftists Use Science as Camouflage

Leftists have learned that the 'science costume' is their most effective means of propaganda.

Big Changes in Science Publishing Underway

People are so used to peer-reviewed scientific journals behind paywalls, it's hard to think of any other way. Till now.

Will Everything Come Up Roses in War-torn Afghanistan?

Need some good news for a change? Some Afghan farmers are finding better profits growing roses than growing opium poppies.

Big Science Fights Christian Values

Secular scientists have more than just Darwinism to offer as an alternative to creation. They have political clout to fight traditional values with anti-Christian political and educational positions.

Scientists Discover Liberty Works

The incontrovertible leftist bent in academia once in awhile runs against facts of human nature. Studies show individual liberty is often better than government or globalist control.

Freedom: The Best Conservation Strategy

Do-gooder environmentalists trying to save the Amazon rainforests make the problem worse.

Can an Evolved Brain Choose Good and Evil?

If the brain evolved, wouldn't anything the mind does be determined by forces beyond one's control?

Can Science Define the Common Good?

While attempting to tell us how fairness evolved for selfish reasons, evolutionists want to push for the "common good."

Communist Explanation for Societal Collapse Offered by Science Site

"Scientists" say society is doomed, according to a "research study," but the explanation is right out of the Marx playbook.

Prosociality and Cooperation: Evolution vs. Prayer

Cooperation exists in nature. Does that mean it evolved? Only if evolution is the sole mechanism in your toolkit.
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