January 10, 2025 | David F. Coppedge

Science Reporters Sometimes Rewrite History

Note: A draft of this article was written in
July 2021 but not completed. It is being posted
today because of its relevance to science media.

Science Reporters Sometimes Rewrite History

Leftists who dominate the Democrat Party cover up their racist history. Historian Carol Swain, herself a black success story, has documented how the Democrat party defended slavery, founded the KKK, opposed desegregation, and opposed every civil rights law until the 1960s (PragerU). Then, Democrat President Lyndon Johnson discovered that blacks could be useful in his quest for political power. Why is Big Science covering up this sordid history and acting as if it is the religious right that discovered racism? Did you see the big lie that Scientific American printed? Efforts at gaslighting like this must not go unchallenged.

John West writes at Evolution News about Benjamin Tillman, a “monster” Democrat US Senator from the South who “publicly defended lynchings” and “drew on evolutionary racism to preach black inferiority.” Appealing to Darwinism, Tillman spoke of blacks, saying “some of them are near akin to the monkey that scientists are yet looking for the missing link.” Tillman’s statue still stands at the South Carolina statehouse. How many knew that? The real scientific racists are also trying to cover up the fact that they put a black man in the zoo, while insinuating ad nauseum that racism is a systemic sin of white people and Republicans. This is called gaslighting—telling a big lie so blatant and creating a narrative demonizing one’s opponent—that the truth-teller begins doubting his own sanity. Learn more about gaslighting, and see examples, at Epoch TV (example).

Democrat President Joe Biden recently called efforts at voter integrity laws the “biggest threat to democracy since the Civil War.” The leftist mainstream media gave him a pass on this egregious, irresponsible, anti-historical diatribe. With no shame, Biden added this claim to his lie, “This is not hyperbole.” That’s true only in the sense that hyperbole is too mild a word to describe such a whopper. Biden’s statement was made in response to the efforts of Republican lawmakers in Texas to increase voter integrity by making it easier to vote but harder to cheat. The Democrats fled the state so that the assembly could not have a quorum. TV host Tucker Carlson was incredulous that any Democrats would be against a law asking for proof that you are who you say you are. Democrats in the media respond by claiming that any push-back about what they say or do is racially motivated.

Rewriting History

Who was Karl Marx? (Tom Garner at Live Science). Right after CEH called Marx a “dirty, womanizing, freeloading, lying scoundrel who never held a job and cared nothing about actual working people,” Lie Science came out with this apology for the instigator of global troubles by saying, in line 1, “Karl Marx was one of the most influential thinkers of all time.” That’s like calling Hitler one of the most influential political leaders of all time. While it may be true in one sense, it’s not the kind of compliment a reputable person would ever pay to a reprobate whose ideas caused so much suffering. Garner apologizes for the scumbag, saying he was not responsible for what happened next:

Regimes associated with Marxism committed many atrocities over the century, although Marx himself never advocated such measures. “However, this does not mean that Marx bears no responsibility for the dictatorships that were created in his name,” Kitching told Live Science in an email. “He does, but that responsibility derives from his silences, from what he does not say, rather than from anything in his work.

That’s like absolving Stalin of millions of murders by saying he didn’t pull the trigger himself. Ideas have consequences, remember? Marx advocated violent revolution and the redistribution of wealth by forceful takeover of private property. He didn’t say, “Now, be nice about it and stay peaceful.” His ideas entail the many atrocities that followed.

Then, Garner scrounges for redeeming virtues in the filth pile Marx left behind, saying that Marx pointed out some real contradictions in capitalism, and claiming that capitalism always leads to inequality. That is a highly misleading half-truth if one can even grant it half. Capitalism starts with equality of opportunity; communism seeks equality of outcome (i.e., misery must be shared equally). Communism never reaches its theoretical equality, because the working class plunges into poverty and submission while the elite ruling class amasses great wealth and perks. Kim Jong Un and his insiders live like pampered emperors, as did his father and grandfather, and as did Stalin and Chairman Mao. By contrast, no economic system has produced more freedom and wealth than the free market, explains George Gilder at Prager U, because the free inventor or seller can only get wealthy by making free buyers happy to voluntarily buy his product at a fair price. This drives competition for excellence.

We hope Garner is watching the protests in Cuba this week [2021] with crowds of people waving American flags and shouting for liberty, freedom, and an end to the communist regime after 60 years of oppression.

On elitism: To elitists, the communication of knowledge must always go one way. Big Science culture almost never asks the public what they think, except to dismiss it. To elitists, everyone outside academia is a peon with nothing to say worth hearing. But how elite is their own work? Dr Jerry Bergman wrote a whole book about huge blunders made by the scientific consensus over the years.

Dr Bergman’s book will quickly sober up those drunk on the myth of scientism.

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  • EberPelegJoktan says:

    Darwin, Marx, Freud, Haeckel, Huxley and Kinsey dominate academics and media. One thing that I ponder is for all the racism and sexual immorality in the world, how come society doesn’t call for these figures to be cancelled or banned? Hypocrisy indeed.

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