Archive: Brittlestars, Extinction, Feathers, Adultery, Cells, Censorship

These posts from August 2001 show that some topics discussed 23 years ago are still in the news.

Archive: Moon, Cannibalism, Stem Cells, Religious Doubts, Censorship

These 23-year-old stories from CEH showcase the variety of subjects we have reported on since our first year.

A Creationist Offers Kind Words to Evolutionists

In one regard, Dr Bergman can compliment evolutionists. Aside from their blind spot, they often view reality accurately.

How to Survive as a Creationist in Science

Stay in the closet and accept evolution as God’s method of creation.

Big Science Has Lost Its Way

Ruled by leftist academicians and globalists, scientific institutions have betrayed the public.

Dissing a Straw Noah

Secular science reporters don't do their homework. Their simplistic answers deceive the masses.

Darwinism, a Worldview for Bigots

Within Darwinism, you don't have to debate Darwin skeptics. All you have to do is mudsling and call names.

Tenure No Longer Protects Creationist Professors

Professor Change Laura Tan expelled: a new book about a new case.

How Darwinism Morphs to Censor Critics

Censorship of creation still occurs in the media, but when the implications of a fossil slip past the censors, the Darwinists can always maintain their belief by rewriting the textbooks.

Peer Review Flaws Revealed by Massive Number of Retractions

Does peer review help ensure validity? A major scientific publisher is retracting over 500 peer-reviewed papers—and that's just for starters.

Big Science Intensifying Indoctrination

Big Science has long excused indoctrination, but now they are going all in for "interventions" targeting non-consensus views.

Should Big Science Blame the Public for Mistrust?

Look at what Big Science is doing. Then ask if the public is right to be wary of their claims.

Gene Duplication Is Not a Credible Source of Evolutionary Progress

Belief triumphs over facts in an evolutionist's claim that duplicate genes can evolve new functions.

Censorship Strikes Again

“Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people.” Nineteenth-century German Jewish poet Heinrich Heine

JPL Sued for Discrimination

Poetic Justice for A Darwin Skeptic: JPL Sued For Discrimination and Forced to Pay Out 10 Million Dollars in Restitution to Former Employees
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