Brain Waste Disposal System Discovered

It's not often that a new part of the brain is found. This one keeps our cerebrospinal fluid clean and disease-free.

The “Empty” Space in the Brain Has Vital Functions

Extra-cellular space (ECS)—the space between brain cells—has important functions that are 'mind boggling,' too.

Get Brainwashed in Your Sleep

Our Maker designed an important cleanup function that takes place in our sleep.

Brain Secrets Seen Through a Glass Darkly

The brain drain, the importance of forgetting, and other secrets of the "supremely complex organ" come to light.

Adult Stem Cells Continue to Show Promise

Ethical stem cells from adult tissues make more news than embryonic stem cells.

Learn How to Operate Your Body

You have built-in machinery and software that's beyond your awareness. Here are ways to enlist your equipment for better health.

Mind Your Brain

Recent discoveries about the brain and the mind reveal the wonders inside our skulls and pose deep philosophical questions.
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