Darwin and Evolution The Darwin Fail Comedy Show January 6, 2017 Darwinian evolution is supposed to innovate new things, not remove them or conserve them. Here are the latest examples of "Darwin Fail" embarrassments. CONTINUE READING
Fossils More Original Protein Found in Older Bird Fossil November 22, 2016 The new discovery from China dates back 130 million years on the evolutionary timeline. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs More Original Dinosaur Protein Found November 10, 2016 This time Mary Schweitzer's team found keratin protein on a claw of an ostrich-sized dinosaur from Mongolia. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Dinosaur Pickles Its Brain October 29, 2016 An unusual rock found on a beach is a dinosaur's fossilized brain, paleontologists say. How did a squishy thing turn to stone? CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Finding Dinosaurs Is Not the Same as Explaining Them October 19, 2016 What's turning up in dinosaur digs around the world? Bones, footprints and speculations. CONTINUE READING
Media Mark Armitage Wins Legal Victory October 4, 2016 The microscopist fired for his publication of Darwin-embarrassing dinosaur soft tissue has won a historic settlement against Cal State University. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Medieval Dinosaurs Too Incredible for Materialists October 1, 2016 Window dressing on the rock wall of a medieval church stirs unbelief, anger among anti-creationists. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Why Short Dinosaur Arms? July 14, 2016 Evolutionists have a new problem with short dinosaur arms, now that an unrelated species has them. CONTINUE READING
Fossils Original Material Found in Triassic Reptile Fossils March 18, 2016 The preservation of structures and original proteins in fossils has just been pushed back to the Triassic. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Media Go Nuts Over Alleged Tyrannosaur Missing Link March 16, 2016 From a few bone fragments and lots of imagination, reporters lit the fireworks and marching bands to spin stories for Darwin. CONTINUE READING
Media The Science Media Racket January 11, 2016 Science reporting is a global racket that uncritically propagates nonsense with the imprimatur of science. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Dinosaurs Evolved in the Blink of an Eye December 9, 2015 Evolutionists figure that dinosaurs evolved from pre-dinosaurs rapidly, despite no significant change in the environment. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Evolutionists: Give Us Your Best Shot December 2, 2015 News reporters often shout evolutionary evidence with chutzpah. Let's call their bluff. CONTINUE READING
Dinosaurs Breaking! Dino Blood Is Real December 1, 2015 Blood vessels found in a hadrosaur said to be 80 million years old are the real original material, researchers say. CONTINUE READING
Fossils New Fossils, Old Stories November 23, 2015 You can sing any words to the same tune, if you don't know any other tunes and don't care how well the syllables rhyme or fit. CONTINUE READING