Living Things Show Cleverness in Many Ways

Wherever biologists and microbiologists look, they find organisms solving problems in remarkably clever ways.

Cell Repair Majors on Majors

When hit by damaging mutations, cells repair genes before non-coding areas. How do they know?

Cell Repair Requirement Demolishes Origin-of-Life Speculation

A biology professor who came out of a Darwinian communist country explodes origin-of-life speculation with real world facts about genetic repair mechanisms.

Small Molecules Play Key Roles in Cells

Molecular biologists are finding a universe of functional small proteins and RNAs that were considered junk or not even known to exist.

More Cell Machines Come to Light

The living cell contains thousands of molecular machines converting energy into useful work. Here are just a few that were recently described in journal papers.

Cell Biologists Use Machine Language

This is a golden age of discovery about molecular machines, but the metaphor may be moving from machinery to information processing.

Body Secrets You Never Heard Of

Your body is performing hi-tech processes all the time that (thank goodness) you never have to think about.

Your Cells Work for You

At a cellular level, the human body has a dizzying array of workers. Here are a few recent examples discovered.
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