Is Terminal Lucidity a Window Into the Soul?

Patients with dementia sometimes "come back" briefly into lucid conversation. How is that possible?

The Brain Is Not Conscious

Consciousness uses the brain, but the brain's physical matter cannot explain reason.

Classic Half-Truth: Humans Are Mere Animals

Sure, Homo sapiens are vertebrates, mammals and primates. A new book says that is all we are.

Readings in the Philosophy of Science

For a lazy Sunday afternoon, try learning some things about what science can and cannot do, and the biases that affect it.

Don’t Trust a Secular Shrink

What is secular psychology good for? With few exceptions, it is good for nothing but running away from.

Big Science Tracks Political Correctness

So much for objectivity. Take any social cause that is politically correct, and you can count on Big Science to endorse it, and to condemn the Christian or conservative view.

The Mind-Body Problem Has Not Been Solved by Naturalism

Several news stories bring back the issue of mind-body dualism with a vengeance.

Darwin Report Card, continued: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinism is useful in one demonstrable way: it keeps thousands of biologists employed in the business of evidence-free speculation.

If Materialism Is Bad, This Could Be Far Worse

A new movement in some science circles could have theists wishing for the good old days of battling materialism.

Mind Your Matters, Evolutionist

Several recent articles illustrate the mental struggle materialists have with human uniqueness, particularly the mind and consciousness.
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