DNA Code Has Grammar

Just like words need grammar, DNA does too. And it has sophisticated grammatical rules.

More Evidence Refutes Myth of Junk DNA

The myth of junk DNA is not totally dead yet, but it's getting there.

Celebrate ENCODE III and the demise of ‘Junk DNA’

An international genome survey finds that vast quantities of non-coding DNA are transcribed and probably functional, not 'junk' as evolutionists had thought.

Genomics Shows Evolutionary Theory Is Baseless

New study reveals that evolution does not have a weak foundation: it has NO foundation.

Neutral Theory of Evolution Debunked

Dr Jerry Bergman elaborates on a proof in Michael Behe's new book that the neutral theory of evolution fails.

Keynote Speech at Biology Conference Falsifies Major Claim of Darwinism

Keynote speaker receives a friendly welcome despite the grim implications of his mathematical derivations for Darwinian evolution.

Is Junk DNA Making a Comeback?

Evolutionists irritated by ENCODE mount a counterattack, claiming that the majority of human genes are evolutionary leftovers with no function.

The 4D Nucleome Project Helps Creationist Research

Here we tell about the 4D Nucleome and ENCODE project and the billions of dollars God is sending to help creationist research through the NIH’s unwitting funding programs. Hermann Muller won the Nobel Prize for his study of human mutations and birth defects.  A consequence of Muller’s theories imply that only 2% of the human genome could be functional […]

Epigenome Project Finds Symphony in Cells

If all cells have the same genome, why do they look and act differently? The epigenome conducts each part in the symphony.

Junk-DNA Defenders Refuse to Look at "Useless" Code

Having decided there's nothing there, some defenders of the "junk DNA" concept won't focus on it.

Two Genetic Codes Are Better Than One

If a genetic language written in DNA is a problem for Darwinism, how about two languages written in the same sequence of letters?

ENCODE Study Forces Evolutionists to Retract "Junk DNA" Myth

At least 80% of the human genome is functional, scientists now say, based on a genetic survey called ENCODE that may force reassessment of what a gene is.
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