Teachers Learn How to Fight Design in Class

Like military strategists, teachers are learning how to take countermeasures when they encounter intelligent design.

Big Science Condemns Blasphemy Against Darwin

There's no escape. You can't flee anywhere in the world if you doubt Darwin.

Change Your Mind on Darwinism, Get Expelled

A world-class paleontologist and curator of a national museum loses his job and reputation simply for switching from Darwinism to intelligent design.

Creation Geologist Fights Secular Bullies

He has every credential a geologist could wish for, but the consensus bullies will not even let him collect rocks that might question their dogma. Dr. Andrew Snelling has a PhD in geology from the University of Sydney. He has published in peer-reviewed journals. He has taught geology on numerous trips through the Grand Canyon. […]

 "Creator" Becomes Cussword

The reaction to a poorly-translated Chinese word sets off a firestorm of anti-creation protest among scientists.

Darwinism Produces Sociopathic Ideologies

Look at what some evolutionists are saying about the implications of their theory for human society.

Darwinist Intolerance Is Intensifying

Some recent cases of intolerance against Darwin skeptics are so extreme, they defy all logic or propriety. Yet when Darwinists promote radical ideas, they get a pass.

Survey Exposes Liberal Bias Among Psychologists

Everybody except liberals knows they are intolerant of conservatives, but now a new survey won't let them deny they have a real bias problem.
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