Smart Devices

Nature had smart devices long before humans thought of making them. Here are a few that engineers envy.

Silly Darwin Stories Never Rebuked by Big Science, Big Media

If you pledge allegiance to the Darwin Party, you can get away with pure nonsense and call it "science."

Bat Designs Tainted by Batty Evolution Stories

When learning about well-designed flyers like bats, is it helpful to speculate about how Darwinian evolution invented the traits by chance? Drink Up, Boys In previous news, we learned how dogs drink using “acceleration-driven open pumping” (15 Dec 2015). There’s a method in that mad slurping: to lift water from the bowl, your dog employs […]

Life as the Communication of Information

Could the essence of life be not so much the material substrate, but the transfer of information?

Biological Systems Provide Infinite Design Inspiration

It's not likely engineers and biologists will run out of inspiration from biology anytime soon. The source is infinite.

Vicious Crocodile Attacks Helpless Fruit

An evolutionist was surprised to find wild crocodiles eating fruit. He has a lesson for scientists.
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