Lies Evolve about Life Origins

Evolutionists won't quit confabulating to the public. They should know better, but their lies keep coming.

Rosetta Mission Crashes Into Comet Theories

The historic Rosetta mission has ended with a crash landing. How has it changed ideas about comets?

Big Science Lies About Chirality in Space

What was discovered has nothing to do with life, nor does it contribute in any way to solving one of the "greatest mysteries of chemistry."

Origin-of-Life Speculation Goes Off the Rails

Astrobiologists and their accomplices in the media are finding life everywhere where it isn't or couldn't be. Time to call in the science rangers.

Confusing Building Blocks with Life

Astrobiologists and their uncritical reporters continue to commit a logical fallacy regarding necessary and sufficient conditions.

The Miller Experiment Is Dead; Long Live the Miller Experiment

The image of Stanley Miller pondering his spark-discharge apparatus is too valuable an icon to toss on the trash heap of history.
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