Extreme Convergences Strain Credibility

The things one has to believe to maintain Darwinism should give reasonable people fits.

Half-Truthing the History of Lobotomy

Reporters tell only half of the story by ignoring the major contribution of Darwinism.

Purpose Does Not Emerge from Neurons

A neuroscientist just doesn't get it.

Humans: Uniquely Endowed, Unnaturally Evil

How could such 'fearfully and wonderfully made' beings be capable of unspeakable atrocities?

Evolutionists Shove Uncooperative Data into Darwinian Stories

If you're a Darwinian, your strategy is to make it seem like every piece of biological data fits evolution, even when it doesn't. Otherwise, creationists might get ideas.

Naive Evolution Stories Undermine Scientific Rigor

"Epistemic modesty" was a virtue until Darwin came along and launched a storytelling empire.
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