Green Greenland Was Good

Climatologists worry about Greenland melting, but plants thrived there before.

Big Science Spreading Climate Disinformation

Three kinds of deliberate misinformation (i.e., disinformation) are being spread by Big Science and Big Media.

Evolutionists Add Another Magic Wand: Climate Change

When mutation, selection and deep time fail, evolutionists can now rely on climate to work mindless miracles.

Climate Change Meets Evolution

They seem like different subjects, but they have a lot in common.

Recent Plants Found Under Greenland Ice

Plant materials in an ice core cannot be a million years old. They look like they were buried in the recent past.

Scientists Set Maximum Lifetime for Ancient DNA

Any DNA found older than this upper limit will cause huge problems for the evolutionary dating scheme.

Geology: Bold Steps in Self-Deception

It's possible to collect clues that suggest your model is working, all while heading off in the wrong direction.

Make the Climate Alarmists Happy: Plant a Tree

Maybe everyone can calm down the climate alarmists without draconian political measures. But who really knows?

Why Milankovitch Cycle Theory Is Like Astrology

Sometimes a hunch proves to be unworkable. The Milankovitch Cycle theory has too many complications. It’s time to give it up. In the 1920s, Milutin Milankovitch, a Serbian astronomer, mathematician and popularizer of science, had a bright idea. Knowing that certain orbital cycles drift over time, he wondered if they could influence the earth’s climate. […]

Why Was Civilization So Late in Coming?

According to evolutionists, modern man appeared 200,000 years ago, but civilization appeared only 8,000 years ago. We examine their explanations.

Latest Fossils: Dinosaurs, Whales and More

Here's a quick survey of news about fossils, including remains of some monstrous creatures and a tiny one, too.

Darwinism as All-Purpose Fiction Plot

No scientific rigor needed. Just say "It evolved."

Ice Age Flood Affected Climate

A catastrophic dam breach flood affected Pacific Ocean circulation and climate, geologists say.

Animals that Defy Long Ages

A lizard and an elephant join forces to question evolutionary dates.

Elephants, Mammoths, and Terror: The Ivory Trade Crisis

Terror organizations are slaughtering elephants at alarming rates to sell the ivory in Asia and buy weapons. What to do?
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