Give Early Man More Credit

From cave to Stone Age, ancient people deserve more respect for their intelligence and capabilities than evolutionary anthropologists give them.

Orbital Ice Age Theory Melts

Orbital cycles do not cause ice ages, a new study suggests. Instead, the whole world experienced an ice age at the same time.

Human Evolution Proved: April Fool!

Anyone who thinks the evidence for gradual human evolution is unmistakeable should look at recent literature by secular experts.

Fossil Facts and Fantasies

The stories told about some fossils raise more questions than answers, even with top Darwin spin doctors in the operating room.

The Problem With Evolutionary Explanations

A new theory attempts to explain why mammals vary from teaspoon size to battleship size. But what does it really explain, if anything?

Is This Plant Really 30,000 Years Old?

A plant said to be 30,000 years old has been brought to life in Russia. A team resurrected a fruit from a rodent burrow in Siberian permafrost, getting it to grow into a whole plant that produces viable seeds. This is now the oldest age claim, by an order of magnitude, for plant material made to live again. Other scientists are startled that plant material could remain viable for so long, since cells have to repair their DNA continually. Other botany news bring different problems to evolutionary theory.

Man, Mammals, and Ice Ages

What do scientists really know about early man and the creatures in his habitat?  Some clues can be found by following science news in a historical fashion: that is, to look for reversals of previously-held opinions, surprises in fossils, and other evidences that scientists are not really making progress in their theories, despite the common […]
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