Does ISIS Evolve?

This may be the winning candidate for worst Darwinian just-so story of the decade.

The Science Axis of Evil

By assuming misbehavior evolves, some scientists become agents of evil, and Big Science institutions become their enablers.

The Mind and Brain: Evolved or Created?

Evolutionists take swipes at saying the most complex matter in the universe is a product of blind, aimless processes of nature.

Darwinism: The Joy of Being Clueless

Two evolutionists describe Darwinian evolution as a brilliant mess, with "a thousand times more questions than satisfactory answers".

Dinosaur Variety was Extreme

Here are news stories about dinosaurs, from dwarfs to giants that lived in all kinds of habitats.

Sex Cells: The Evolution (or Design) of Genitalia

There's been a lot of news about sex organs in recent days. Which does a better job of explaining the facts of life: design or evolution?

Less Darwin, More Pasteur

Pasteur's vision of eradicating rabies remains unfulfilled 129 years after he cured a boy. Isn't that a nobler goal of science than storytelling about evolution?

How the Scientist Got His Just-So Story

A case of scientific racism? An anthropologist studied living Kalahari Bushmen for clues to the evolution of cognition.

Scientific Claims Are Reversible

How much confidence can the public put in scientific claims today, given that some long-lived dogmas have been reversed?

Darwinism Is a Constant; Just-So Stories Are Variables

Stories about the evolution of particular organisms often replace older stories, but the main plot is unalterable.

Archive Classic: How Darwinism Produces Job Security

This entry from 12/22/2003 we have referenced often, because it illustrates how Darwin changed science into storytelling.

Dumbest Stories of 2013

Here's a review of some of the "Stupid Evolution Quotes of the Week" and dumbest just-so stories from the past year.

Weekend Entertainment: Evolutionary Just-So Stories

When you see a science headline in the form "How the .... got its ...." prepare for a laugh. Now, even some evolutionists are laughing.

This "Evolution" Is Not Darwinian

Some things in nature get attributed to Darwinian evolution, but might be better seen as manifestations of design or other alternative, non-Darwinian mechanisms.

The Evolution of Tattooing, and Other Skinny Science

Evolution has become a catch-all explanation that is so intuitively obvious to some, it requires no justification.
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