Soft Tissue Wars: Latest Inadequate Excuse

Four European scientists couldn't find original collagen in ichthyosaur bones, but how hard did they look?

Darwinians Struggle with Dinosaur Soft Tissue

They admit it exists, but can only make up stories to explain how it might last tens of millions of years.

Dinosaur DNA Provokes Disbelief

Evolutionists are experiencing cognitive dissonance about claims of dinosaur DNA.

Biosignatures Reveal Intact Soft Tissue Is Ubiquitous in Fossils

Yale paleontologists admit soft tissue is everywhere but try to use it as data for millions of years of evolution.

Dinosaur DNA Found!

Deep-timers had a big enough problem with collagen and melanosomes. But DNA should be long gone. 75 million years? No way!

Desperation to Keep Dinosaur Soft Tissue Old

The big guns are out to prove dinosaur blood vessels and collagen really can last tens of millions of years. Do they succeed?

Darwinians Excuse Out-of-Order Fossils

Because Darwinism is built on philosophical naturalism, evidence can be moved around as needed.

Showdown: Is Dino Soft Tissue Just Bacteria?

By dismissing dinosaur soft tissue as bacteria, Field Museum scientists may have given creationists a selling point.

Birds with Modern Traits Flew Over Dinosaurs

Several aspects of the dinosaur-to-bird evolution don't make sense in the light of evolution.

Two More Soft-Tissue Fossils Pile on the Evidence Against Deep Time

Evolutionists are dodging hard evidence with an absurd excuse that soft tissue can last hundreds of millions of years.

Synthetic Fossils Show Organic Films Can Preserve Quickly

In an attempt to learn about the fossilization process, scientists have found that exceptional fossils don’t require millions of years. Scientists at the University of Bristol are old-earth evolutionists, but what they found by experiment mimicked what can be seen in fossils. How long did it take? One day. Exceptionally-preserved fossils, like those of dinosaur […]

The Flying Giraffe and Other Fossil Stories of Extinct Reptiles

Imagine a giraffe leaping into the air and flying off. That's what this giant pterosaur was like. Other interpretations about extinct reptiles are not so certain.

Original Proteins Found in Fossil Sea Turtle

The fossil of a sea turtle said to be 54 million years old still has original proteins of pigment and muscle.

Is This Salamander Really 40 Million Years Old?

40-35 million year old salamander looks just like a present-day salamander.

AAAS Tries to Downplay Dinosaur Soft Tissue

The biggest bombshell of the century in paleontology threatens evolutionary time. It's not surprising that the AAAS would want to put out the fire.
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