Engineers Follow Inspiring Creatures

From tiny to mighty, living cells, animals and plants inspire human technology.

Darwinists Are Contortionists

To keep their pet theory from being falsified, Darwinians must stretch, twist and bend it to fit unexpected observations.

Silly Darwinism Needs a Good Shaming

This is what happens in one-party rule: insanity with impunity.

Some Pathogens Are Surprisingly Young

Did pathogens like viruses and bacteria appear recently? Do evolutionists have solid theories of where they came from?

Microbes Talk More than People Do

Microbial communication requires an interface, providing an example of how intelligent design explains what evolutionary theory misses.

Precambrian Protein Identified

They say it's almost two billion (with a B) years old, yet it resembles modern counterparts.

Three New and Different Biomimetics Stories

There appears to be no end of ways to imitate nature's designs.

Parallel Universe of Microbial "Dark Matter" Revealed

As scientists continue to find incredible diversity in the smallest of organisms, realizations of all we've been missing are changing conceptions of life.
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