Searching for Life for Personal Glory

Are origin-of-life seekers really trying to understand life, or are they seeking fame and prizes?

Evolutionary Materialism Promotes Deadly Sins

Name a vice, and Darwinians will be there to rationalize it on evolutionary grounds. They claim proud ownership of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Cracks in the Climate Consensus?

It's still dangerous to challenge Big Science about climate change. In the new political climate, a growing number of voices are willing to take the risk.

Smart Scientists Borrow Natural Designs

Scientists and engineers are back in school, learning from the best teachers: plants and animals.

Bacteria You Can Love

Wrongly feared only as agents of disease, many bacteria are allies in our quest for health.

Stromatolites and Suppositions

We know some things about stromatolites, but we don't know what we don't know.

Are Paleomagnetic Measurements Reliable?

Dating of past geophysical history depends on magnetic measurements that may be in error.

Secret Animal Hideouts

Small animals can hide out in secret places, even in your own home.

Microbes Are Wired for Communication

New findings show surprising communication systems between bacteria, including power grids with tiny electrical cables.

Desperately Seeking Life Beyond Earth

Earth life cannot be unique. How about you, Mars? Europa, anything? Enceladus? Comet 67P? Please break the silence!

Friday Funnies: Evo-Comics

Not every Darwinian explanation is useless. Some of them can function as entertainment.

Antibiotic Resistance Is Ancient

An isolated tribe in a remote place in Amazonia has antibiotic resistance genes in its gut bacteria.

"Natural Evil" May Be Broken Good

Things in nature we consider nasty are sometimes good systems that have broken.

Is Pareidolia a Hypothesis?

Some astrobiologists see possible signs of life in Martian soil photographed by a rover. The rover project scientist begs to differ.

The Silent Underground Network

Under your feet in the woods is a vast communication network where information technology keeps the ecosystem functioning.
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