New 'Missing Link' Claim Imagines Human Face on a Fish

The Darwin-drenched phrase "missing link" popped up again, this time in a story that claims humans got their faces from a fish.

Junk Science Gets Good Press if It Supports Darwinism

The headlines for some scientific news stories might leave philosophers of science wagging their heads. Few, though, are the reporters willing to call something really dumb, or at least questionable—especially if it appears to support evolution.

Are Starfish Eyes Missing Links?

Starfish are found to have "primitive" image-forming eyes on the tips of their arms. Do these represent links between simple and complex eyes? Some reporters seem to think so.

Lemur-fish, Vege-fang and other Fossil Follies

Fossils are doing just fine, but the scientists who interpret them are having a rough week (or century).

Hopping Fish and Other Darwin Mysteries

The chieftans of evolutionary theory insist that their doctrines have come a long way since Darwin. Discoveries in molecular biology, population genetics, biogeography, paleontology have left the Victorian concepts of evolution outdated and antiquated, they would say. Yet a look at the evolutionary literature shows otherwise. Simplistic just-so stories, Darwinian phrases like “survival of the fittest” and “missing link,” iconic fossils, and antiquated principles continue to be the rule, as the following articles illustrate.

Media Respond Predictably to Latest Ape-Man

A new law of nature has been revealed: the Law of Predictable Media Reactions to Missing Link Announcements. Once again, the science news media have gone ape over the latest bone story emerging from the paleoanthropology industry. In keeping with tradition, reporters are saying this will “rewrite the steps of our evolution.” And once again, a contender gets his 15 minutes of fame, showered in media hype. If the LPMR law holds, we can expect to see his claim discredited when the next contender gets his or her turn.
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