Silly Darwin Stories Continue

Macroevolutionary theory is in tatters, but it hasn't stopped Darwin storytellers from fantasizing.

Darwinizing Uncooperative Observations

It's a fine art often associated with politics: spin doctoring. Evolutionists are well trained in this art. They have to be.

Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding Was Frequent

Neanderthal and Modern Human Interbreeding: from Never to Frequent The Most Important Missing Link is Now Just Another People Group by Jerry Bergman, PhD Neanderthals did not evolve, but our judgments about them sure have! As I have been following this topic for many years, I recall the research which concluded modern humans were not […]

Platypus Origins: The Mystery Deepens

A review of the article, “The platypus: What nature’s weirdest mammal says about our origins.”

Neanderthal Man: Paleoanthropology Evolving from Racism to Brotherhood

Racism everywhere: Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo sapiens? A 2021 study shows they were just people groups within Homo sapiens.

Evolutionists Connect Dinosaur Dots with Puny Fossil

Leaping lizards! Evolutionists make extravagant case for ancestor of dinosaur and birds based on widely distant, unique fossils.

Aquatic Ape Theory Revised

An old theory that ape-man ancestors went through a swimming phase rises and falls, and is rising in popularity again.

Did Evolving Fish Cry “Land Ho!” and Walk onto Land?

A new study does little to solve how sea creatures could have evolved into land creatures.

Fossils Do Not Say “We Evolved” – People Do

Scientists put words in the mouths of dead animals, as if they are dummies telling stories about their evolution.

Boastful Origin-of-Life Claims Conceal Contradictions

The latest speculations about life’s origins always overlook the most essential component: the origin of biological information. Suggestive catch-phrases are no substitute for demonstration. Evolutionary scientists employ stock phrases like “missing link” and “RNA world” and “prebiotic soup” that conceal, rather than illuminate, the actual chemical problems getting from molecules to life. The so-called “building […]

Media Go Nuts Over Alleged Tyrannosaur Missing Link

From a few bone fragments and lots of imagination, reporters lit the fireworks and marching bands to spin stories for Darwin.

O Beautiful for Amber Waves of Fossils

Striking examples of life encased in fossil tree sap open eyes on creation vs evolution.

Evolutionists: Give Us Your Best Shot

News reporters often shout evolutionary evidence with chutzpah. Let's call their bluff.

Friday Funnies: Evo-Comics

Not every Darwinian explanation is useless. Some of them can function as entertainment.

Neanderthal News and the Limits of Organic Material Survival

Red blood cells and DNA samples raise questions about the decay time of soft tissue and genetic material.
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