Dating Methods Dates of Human Fossils and Foods Challenge Credibility January 2, 2020 Nobody would believe these stories if the fossil dates hadn't been previously whitewashed with the coating of "science." CONTINUE READING
Early Man Darwin’s Fantasy Cave January 31, 2019 Paleoanthropologists' unshakeable faith in Darwin and millions of years forces them into an absurd scenario. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Silly Stories About Early Man April 20, 2016 The few fossils of alleged human ancestors leave a lot of room for imagination. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Antique Homo Claims Threatened by New Bones December 18, 2015 The number of potential overhauls in thinking from this thigh bone in China is staggering. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Chinese Teeth Upset Early Man Timeline November 1, 2015 Is the truth in the teeth? Modern-looking human teeth in a Chinese cave create improbable migration patterns and dates. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Give Early Man More Credit August 21, 2015 From cave to Stone Age, ancient people deserve more respect for their intelligence and capabilities than evolutionary anthropologists give them. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Neanderthal Genes: Evolutionists Surprised at How Wrong They Were June 24, 2015 A substantial amount of Neanderthal genes in a modern human skeleton is not what they had predicted. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Neanderthal News and the Limits of Organic Material Survival May 13, 2015 Red blood cells and DNA samples raise questions about the decay time of soft tissue and genetic material. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Body Diversity Threatens to Undermine Paleoanthropology March 30, 2015 People don't all look the same today; body types vary tremendously. Why should we assume differently about the past? CONTINUE READING
Early Man When Does Paleoanthropology Become Archaeology? October 27, 2014 Was there ever a time when humans were "pre-human"? Recent finds are overturning assumptions about human ancestors. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Human Mutation Clock Half Off October 20, 2012 An evolutionary standard for dating key events in human evolution has been shown to be half off, even by their own assumptions. CONTINUE READING