Illustra Highlights a Monarch Wonder

Learn about butterflies that live long and fly thousands of miles to an exact spot they have never seen.

Butterfly Designs Shown in High Resolution

Illustra Media's new short film shows how God is in the details.

Design of Life 2021 Update: Butterflies

Illustra Media's Design of Life series opened many eyes to natural wonders. Here's what's new about butterflies, featured in their film Metamorphosis.

Humans May Have a Residual Magnetic Sense

Could our ancestors have navigated by Earth's magnetic field? Some scientists believe they have evidence.

Carbon Dioxide Is Not Toxic, but The Moon Is

Too much of something can be bad, but too little can also be bad. We examine the influence of carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere. Scientists seem conflicted about CO2 (carbon dioxide). It gets blamed for all kinds of bad things, but with few exceptions, every living thing either takes it in or gives it off. […]

Updates for The Design of Life

New research puts more "wow" into the wonder of animals featured in Illustra Media's "Design of Life" documentaries.
Monarch butterfly on flower

Design of Life Update: Butterflies

Illustra Media’s trilogy of documentaries only began to uncover the wonders of life. Here are updates on the series’ featured animals, this one on butterflies. Watch an amazing time-lapse video of butterfly wings developing in the chrysalis made by Nipam Patel of University of California at Berkeley. His lab assistant was able to extract tissue […]

Flying Physics

In the world of flying animals, stories of remarkable physical engineering come to light.

Insects Worth Respecting

Most six-legged creatures are small and we give them little notice. Here are surprises that entomologists are discovering in some very special insects.

Elephants, Mammoths, and Terror: The Ivory Trade Crisis

Terror organizations are slaughtering elephants at alarming rates to sell the ivory in Asia and buy weapons. What to do?

Monarch Butterflies Do Not Have to Migrate

When 101 butterfly genomes were compared, there were surprises.

The Meek Control the Earth

How can such a small thing affect the geology and climate of the whole planet? Don't underestimate the power of small creatures.

Tree Crocodiles and Other Surprising Animals

Scientists have a lot to learn about living animals before presuming to speak of long-lost extinct ones.

Monarch Deposed by Painted Lady

Painted lady butterflies make an even more spectacular migration than the famous Monarchs, observers just found.

Animals Have Biological GPS

Global Positioning System (GPS): that's a function. Maintaining a suite of satellites is one method for achieving the function. But there are other ways to figure out where in the world you are, and two very different animals show the way – naturally – using Earth's global magnetic field.
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