Skull Duggery: Dragon Man Cannot Rescue Human Evolution

The tale of Neanderthals, Denisovans and modern humans shakes up evolutionists again with another skull from China.

Neanderthal Fails Again as Evolutionary Link

Another attempt to resurrect the once-prized evolutionary link between apes and modern humans fails.

DNA of ‘Cave Woman’ Very Similar to Ours

Genome of  40,000-year-old woman sequenced. DNA of the oldest known human is more like ours than evolution predicted.

Neanderthal-Human Interbreeding Was Frequent

Neanderthal and Modern Human Interbreeding: from Never to Frequent The Most Important Missing Link is Now Just Another People Group by Jerry Bergman, PhD Neanderthals did not evolve, but our judgments about them sure have! As I have been following this topic for many years, I recall the research which concluded modern humans were not […]

Neanderthal Man: Paleoanthropology Evolving from Racism to Brotherhood

Racism everywhere: Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo sapiens? A 2021 study shows they were just people groups within Homo sapiens.

Early Man Stories Becoming More Convoluted

Trusting the Darwinians about human evolution requires willing suspension of disbelief.

Scientists Set Maximum Lifetime for Ancient DNA

Any DNA found older than this upper limit will cause huge problems for the evolutionary dating scheme.

Human Hands Are Designed, Not Evolved

Evolutionists finally admit Intelligent Design is valid! (Not exactly, but close.)

Neanderthal Y Chromosome Looks Modern

Another theory bites the dust: The "Disappearing Y Chromosome" has not shrunk, as shown by comparisons with Neanderthal DNA.

Kabwe Skull Casts Doubt on Human Evolution

Another skull tosses evolutionary paleoanthropology into confusion with a radically-revised date. This is par for the course.

The Latest Rewriting of Human Evolution

Early Man studies are a moving target. Evolutionists keep re-writing our alleged history.

Early Humans Sailed to Islands

Stone tools on islands show that Neanderthals and other "archaic Homo" individuals must have sailed there.

Brain Secrets Seen Through a Glass Darkly

The brain drain, the importance of forgetting, and other secrets of the "supremely complex organ" come to light.

More Big Problems with Human Evolution

Fossil discoveries keep "rewriting" or "overturning" accepted ideas about human evolution. Here are two more recent examples.

Neanderthals Were Just Another Ethnic Group of Real People

It's taken more than a century, but scientists are now promoting Neanderthals to their rightful place in the modern human family.
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