Early Man Findings Contradict Evolution

Not only has man always been man, he could not have lived as many years ago as claimed.

Paleoanthropologist Overthrows Darwinian Tree of Man: We Are All One

A veteran paleoanthropologist says the discoveries of 2013 have replaced Darwin's tree picture of human evolution with a "braid."

More Discoveries Contradict Human Evolution Story

As more findings fail to fit the Darwinian picture, the evolutionary story of man appears to be unraveling.

Ho-Hum; Paleoanthropologists Confused Again

Upsets are so common in evolutionary studies of human ancestry, bystanders might well ask how often they find anything worth believing.

More Reasons to Doubt the Evolutionary Caveman Story

Complex behaviors showing foresight and planning are adding to a long list of contradictions to evolutionary explanations about "brute" ancestors.

Junk Science Gets Good Press if It Supports Darwinism

The headlines for some scientific news stories might leave philosophers of science wagging their heads. Few, though, are the reporters willing to call something really dumb, or at least questionable—especially if it appears to support evolution.

Meet Your New Teacher, Prof. Neanderthal

Far from being dumb brutes stuck in caves, Neanderthals may have taught modern people techniques that are still used today.

Longevity of DNA Estimated

How long can DNA survive in a fossil? Claims of ancient DNA can be compared with a new estimate based on a crime scene.

Out-of-Order Fossils Make Darwinists Wave Hands

When a fossil violates Darwinist expectations, it never falsifies the theory. It just creates a new round of imaginative gesticulations.

Paleofantasy Runs Amok

Early-man researchers continue to weave fantastical tales on flimsy evidence.

Find Is Like iPods in Ancient Rome

Discovering hafted spear points half a million years old is like finding iPods at a Roman archaeological site, a paleoanthropologist said.

Human Mutation Clock Half Off

An evolutionary standard for dating key events in human evolution has been shown to be half off, even by their own assumptions.

Weekend Grab Bag

Here are links to recent science findings and claims sure to stimulate thinking and further research.

Man Is Man and Ape Is Ape: The Gulf Widens

Now that "human ancestors" from 300,000 years ago show comparable mental acuity to ours, the gradual upward slope to man looks more like a cliff.

Denisovan Genome Reveals Interbreeding With Modern Humans

With the publishing of the Denisovan genome, the genetic profile of interfertile humans has widened considerably.
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