How the Brain Serves the Mind

More sophisticated than any computer, the brain runs many background tasks to aid and assist our conscious choices.

Religion vs. Evolution: Which Explains Which?

Evolutionists have a running theme that evolving humans invented religion for various evolutionary reasons.

Sight Is More than Having Eyeballs

The brain is integrally involved with eyes to make vision meaningful and responsive.

More to Thank God for in Your Brain

News about the most complex arrangement of matter in the known universe.

What's On Your Mind?

News on neuroscience that will stimulate you to think about your brain thinking about thinking.

Adult Brain Can Build New Neurons

A dogma-challenging find raises a question: does the environment create the mind?

The Machinery Behind the Senses

There's a lot of physical work our eyes, ears, and brain cells perform to support our perceptions of the world.

Scientific Claims Are Reversible

How much confidence can the public put in scientific claims today, given that some long-lived dogmas have been reversed?

A Beautiful Mind in a Beautiful Brain

Neuroscience has gathered much interesting data, but still is clueless about how a mind emerges from a brain.

Psychology Struggling to Regain Scientific Image

In the wake of scandals and replication failures, psychiatry and social psychology are enduring scrutiny some practitioners call an "inquisition" or "bullying".

Secular Psychology as Abuse

At best, psychology doesn't know what it's doing. At worst, it harms people.

Mind Your Matters, Evolutionist

Several recent articles illustrate the mental struggle materialists have with human uniqueness, particularly the mind and consciousness.

Complex Brain Wiring Unveiled in New Images

Surely one of the great mysteries of human life is how a single fertilized egg cell grows to an adult, with a brain sporting hundreds of billions of functional connections supporting abstract thought.

Genes Make People Support Abortion

If this political scientist is right, your genes and the environment make you liberal or conservative.

The Science of Atheism

Science news sites have recently included some unusual articles: reports about the science of atheism. What can scientists say about atheism without leaving the domain of science altogether?
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