Evolutionary Timescales Require Ridiculous Migrations

Which position has more problems in biogeography, creation or evolution? Look at these tales before deciding.

Evolutionists Shove Uncooperative Data into Darwinian Stories

If you're a Darwinian, your strategy is to make it seem like every piece of biological data fits evolution, even when it doesn't. Otherwise, creationists might get ideas.

A Man, A Plan, A Cabal: Panama

Evolutionists duke it out on the age of the Isthmus of Panama. Every solution breeds new problems.

Fossils Sprout New Tales

When unexpected things turn up in the fossil record, evolutionists get out their storytelling playbook.

Geology Fail: The Problem with Proxies

Using an observable data set as a stand-in for a theoretical model can be misleading, as several new geology papers illustrate.

How Rocks Can Look Older Than They Are

Researchers find that the most common dating method can produce "spuriously old" dates.
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