Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More

What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see!

Darwin’s Tree Chopped Down

Evolutionists lied, people died, but you can trust what they're saying now.

Evolutionary Trees Are All Wrong

We didn't say it. They did. But how can we trust what they are saying now?

Fossils Don’t Speak; Evolutionists Do

Evolutionists find errors in evolutionary tree calculations. They conclude that many evolutionists are forcing their assumptions on the fossils.

Darwinism Does Not Fit the Evidence

Darwinists have been lying, saying that "the evidence for evolution is overwhelming." The opposite is true.

Evolution Evolves at Random

Imagine a science always shifting as if in Brownian motion, never getting anywhere. That's Darwinism.

Evolutionists Fool Themselves with Darwin Trees

The methods they use are almost guaranteed to give wrong results a vast majority of the time.

Darwinists Build Fake Phylogenetic Trees

No matter what kinds of organisms they study, Darwinists run into trouble by trying to prove common ancestry.

Common Method for Evolutionary Inference Collapses

Evolutionists are going to be very upset over what this paper claims: phylogenetic trees of living animals are meaningless.

Evolutionary Models Are Unreliable

Evolutionists find that models and assumptions in which they placed their trust are unreliable and unscientific.

Non-Darwinian Biological Change

Scientists find many examples of biological change that do not fit the mutation-selection paradigm.

Surprising Animals Old and New

Moving creatures, whether extant or extinct, never cease to hold fascination for human observers.

Why Birds Don't Crash

A bird flying through a forest or city needs the reactions of a champion video gamer. It's got the software to do it.
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