The Science Axis of Evil

By assuming misbehavior evolves, some scientists become agents of evil, and Big Science institutions become their enablers.

Big Science, Big Media Go on Offense for Abortion

How did it come to this? Illegal and immoral activity is revealed, and Big Science not only justifies it; it attacks the messengers.

Secular Science Leaders Defend Baby Butchering

Instead of joining the outrage against the dismemberment and marketing of baby body parts, science leaders rush to defend the grisly practice.

Science Reporters Don't Even Try to Be Politically Neutral

More evidence that when politics and ethics are in the news, science reporters will inevitably gravitate to the far-left position.

Trafficking in Human Parts Nothing New

Shocking videos of abortionists selling baby body parts is only the latest in a long line of Darwinian ethical barbarities.

Give Me Liberalism and Give Me Death

Nowhere does the divide between left and right show more starkly than in policies about killing the innocent. Leftist liberals, who are the most supportive of Darwinism, seem to have no problem with tinkering with human life to the point of killing it.
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