Marine Biology Well-Adapted Underwater Animals that Defy Evolution December 8, 2017 A wide variety of organisms spend all or part of their time under the surface of water, having just the equipment they need to thrive. CONTINUE READING
Cell Biology Pinpoint Navigation and Propulsion in a Seemingly Random Soup August 3, 2017 Non-coding sequences of DNA, sometimes considered genetic junk, may actually function to help navigate proteins to their target genes. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology Underwater Marvels September 10, 2015 Check out these amazing creatures that inhabit the liquid universe of planet Earth's oceans and rivers. Only the first one is a fish. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology How Did the Archer Fish Learn Physics? September 14, 2014 A little fish that shoots down bugs out of the air learned some tricks of optics and propulsion that impress scientists. CONTINUE READING
Marine Biology The Ocean's Most Efficient Swimmer Is… A Jellyfish October 19, 2013 They look so lazy, drifting among the waves, but jellyfish are powered by such efficient mechanisms, the Navy wants to imitate them. CONTINUE READING