Archive: Membrane Channels, Molecular Machines, Censorship, Cave Art, More

Breakthroughs, controversies, and scientists acting badly: these are other reports recovered from January 2002.

Mars Water Hope Evaporates

Evolutionists have a strange way of expressing disappointment. They pretend to be excited about it.

Scientists Are Warming Up to UFOs

What has long been dismissed as fanaticism about UFOs has lately gone mainstream. What’s up? There have always been UFOs, as unidentified flying objects. In that category, even birds or the planet Venus qualify – until they are identified. But claims that UFOs represent advanced technologies of enemy countries or (gasp!) space aliens have long […]

Prediction: NASA Will Not Find Life on Mars

The Perseverance rover landed today. As usual, the search for life is a priority for the mission.

Astrobiology’s Endless Quest for a Good Myth

Come join the Astrobiology Storytelling Society! You'll never be out of work!

Young Solar System Evidence Pops Up Everywhere

If the solar system formed more recently than believed, Darwinism is dead. Look how widely scattered the evidence is.

Space Is Hell

Don't leave Earth for long. It's deadly out there.

Animals Teach Humans About Design

They may not be able to talk, but living things communicate graduate level information about physics, chemistry and intelligent design.

Mars Madness Hits

The Curiosity rover is sending back photos of things mission scientists are struggling to understand.

Mars Life Hopes Reduced

Key assumptions about habitability on Mars have fallen, but astrobiologists try to keep hope alive.

Hopes for Wet Mars Diminished

The clays on Mars that were thought to be indicative of a wet past could, instead, be formed by volcanoes.

Whole Lotta Evolvin’ Goin’ On

Your dog learned the most effective way to shake water off: by evolution, maybe. Maybe evolution did other things, too.
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