Scientist, Heal Thyself

People who play "King's X" in the science lab had better be aware of their limitations and vulnerabilities.

Big Science Failing Integrity Test

What happens when the purveyors of knowledge admit they are unreliable?

Anthropologists and Psychologists Under Fire for Flawed Methods

Poor sampling and other errors may undermine many things scientists think they know about mankind.

Science’s Got Troubles

Numerous news articles point to moral shortcomings in Big Science that threaten public trust. The US Constitution was a great idea. But John Adams once said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other” (US Archives). Similarly, the “Scientific Method,” as it […]

Science Fails Its Ideals

Fraud, lack of integrity and non-reproducible results continue to plague Big Science. Fair debate can help.

Scientific Papers Can No Longer Be Trusted

How do you know a paper is not a hoax? or fake science? It's getting increasingly difficult to tell, and Big Science is worried.

Big Science Wobbles on Trust

Fixing the gap between the ideal and the real will require factors outside of science, like honesty.

If Science Is Superior, Why Does It Need Fixing?

Scientific publishing and peer review is undergoing a revolution, suggesting there has been something wrong. Yes; its lack of transparency is motivating a drive for 'open science.'

Scientists Blind to Their Failings

Scientism sounds appealing in theory. In practice, human scientists fall short of its ideals of enlightenment, progress and understanding.

The Myth of Science Self-Correction

Sounds good in theory: scientists check each other with peer review, and knowledge advances. In reality, scientists are only human.

Big Science Pops its Zits

If you think institutional science has a smooth complexion, look closer. From every angle, serious blemishes are coming to light.

Big Science Blind to Its Scientism

Big Science loves scientism, but the view that science is the most reliable path to knowledge suffers a fatal flaw: it is self-refuting.

Trusting Science Experts Can Be Disastrous

Nobody pushes the values of science more than scientists. But trusting them doesn't always work out right.

Sunflower Motion Is Complex

They follow the sun, but how? Scientists are just finding out the mechanisms behind light tracking in sunflowers.

When Scientists Go Wrong

Scientific studies on scientists are not always encouraging.
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