Is Geology in a Scientific Revolution?

The editors of a leading geology journal consider the possibility that one of their core concepts is a mere paradigm.

If You Can't Trust Scientists, You Can't Trust Science

Science may be "out there" in the world, but its discoveries are mediated by fallible scientists.

Lonely Billionaire Throws $100 Million at SETI

Yuri Milner gathered the SETI believers and gave them a pile of money to find aliens.

No Scientific Method Can Generate Integrity

The frequency of articles about misconduct, fraud and reproducibility show that scientists' integrity cannot be assumed by a "scientific method."

Dino Soft Tissue Confirms Creationist Prediction

Gleanings from the original paper show discoverers excited but surprised. Creationists are excited and gratified.

If Science Cannot Prove Anything, What Is Its Value?

An educator defends science while an astrophysicist undermines it.

Secular Scientists Rely on Biblical Values

It's a material world, except when you need truth, justice, and the scientific way.

Scientific Method Evolves

There is no scientific method. There are customary procedures that depend on the field; these are subject to mutation and artificial selection.

Face Up: Can Evolution Be Thanked?

The uniqueness of human faces has fallen to a Darwinian story, for which we are to say "thanks to evolution."

Science Without Ethics Is Dangerous

Science cannot operate with ethics. Ugly things can happen when scientists ignore ethical boundaries.

Darwin or Pasteur: Who Deserves a Day?

A Victorian evolutionist and a Victorian creationist get good press, as long as it's religion-free. Which one actually did more for science?

Scientists Need to Get Out More

Strict application of the "scientific method" is blinding some scientists to the real world, two authors claim.

Scientific Method Evolves

The so-called "scientific method" (if there is such a thing) has undergone dramatic changes throughout history, but there is one constant that can be relied upon: the myth of scientism.

Chinks in the Scientific Method

V & V. That’s shorthand in project design for “validation and verification.” Does the scientific method provide V & V? We are all taught to think that peer review, publication and replication help science to be self-checking, so as to avoid error. Some recent articles show that ain’t necessarily so. It may sound good in theory, but in practice, the ideal doesn’t always match the real.

Objectivity of Science Undermined

Science has no boast if not objective. It is objectivity that supposedly sets science apart from all other modes of inquiry: following a “scientific method” that guarantees objective truth about the natural world. Results are reported in peer-reviewed journals that weed out mistaken ideas. After publication, other scientists can replicate any published results, making science a self-correcting process that refines its objectivity over time. Most insiders and philosophers know that the picture is highly flawed, but the vision persists that science is objective. Recent articles raise awareness of some of the problems with the portrayal of scientific objectivity.
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