More Good Science from Nature

The natural world contains endless examples of intelligent design that can inspire scientists with wonder and inspiration.

Be Thankful for Skin

Human skin is the largest organ of the body, and is loaded with protections, sensors and other functions.

Stem Cells Back in the News with New Hopes and Discoveries

Stem cells were all the rage ten years ago, but news stories these days are less common. What's new?

Humans: Uniquely Endowed, Unnaturally Evil

How could such 'fearfully and wonderfully made' beings be capable of unspeakable atrocities?

Earwig Origami and Maple Seed Rockets

Engineering solutions from unlikely organisms inspire applications for wide-ranging human needs.

Human Body Wonders to Amaze Their Inhabitants

There's more going on under your skin than you can possibly comprehend.

More Things You Didn’t Know About Your Body

You can live in it without knowing much about it, but these facts should add to your sense of awe.

Sunburn? Smear on the DNA

DNA makes for an excellent sunscreen, researchers have found. And that's not all.

Biological Designs Worth Imitating

If these designs are so good that intelligent minds want to mimic them, who can believe they emerged by chance?

Celebrate Independence from Darwin

With so much great science news about design, who needs to maintain allegiance to King Charles?

Humans May Have Lost Beneficial Traits

Imagine if you could regrow teeth all your life. Have we lost some capabilities during human history?

The Farce Awakens: More Just-So Stories for the Darwin Crowd

More examples of the art of Just-So Storytelling from evolutionary biologists and psychologists. Pick your winner!

How Animals Keep Warm in Freezing Wetness

We shiver to think of going without heavy coats in snow, but snowshoe hares, gophers and birds look perfectly comfortable. What's their secret?

Inspiring Designs in Life

When scientists look closely at living designs, they think, Wow! That's cool! I wonder if we could copy that?

Creatures Worth Knowing and Imitating

Studies of animals and cells reveal designs in nature we can appreciate and imitate.
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