Archive: Clocks, JPL, Smell, Rapid Geology, Mole Rats, Darwin for Kids, ATP Synthase, Golgi, Joy

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in mid November 2001, restored from archives.

The Sense of Smell Seems Almost Magical

Smell is far more complex than believed, new research shows.

Your Nose Smells in Stereo

Scientific understanding of olfactory information reaching the brain has doubled.

Researchers, Stop Kowtowing to the Darwin Party

It's not necessary to say that the biological system you're studying "evolved." Drop the habit and your science will improve.

Evolution Is Not an Engineer; It’s a Dumb Idol

Darwinists routinely idolize natural selection, granting it godlike powers.

Smell Incredible Design

Learn some amazing facts about the sense of smell brought to you Darwin-free by Swedish scientists.

Our Senses Did Not Evolve

Despite what evolutionists say, our bodies with their amazing senses are the work of a designing intelligence par excellence.

Mammals With Super Senses

These mammals are very different from each other except in how they put human technology to shame.

Dog Breeding: Exploring the Limits of Change

A new survey of over 160 dog breeds yields surprises about their genetic histories.

Planning Your Next Revolutionary Invention

To innovate something people will want, follow the leader: the Creator of living creatures.

Celebrate Independence from Darwin

With so much great science news about design, who needs to maintain allegiance to King Charles?

Overqualified Mammals

Here are some mammals with capabilities that exceed the requirements of mere survival.

Dinosaur Variety was Extreme

Here are news stories about dinosaurs, from dwarfs to giants that lived in all kinds of habitats.

Contenders for Mammal of the Month

Here are some furry friends that know how to impress scientists.

Nose Has Gain Control

Sound engineers know how to use gain control to avoid “redlining” or saturating the signal while amplifying weak but important signals.  Your nose knows that trick, too. The sense of smell is complex because of the tremendous variety of odorant molecules that must be interpreted.  Molecules that trigger signals in the initial neurons trigger a […]
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