Archive: Sagan, Schools, Tools, Design, Noses, Fossils, Water, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in early November 2001, restored from archives.

Bird Tracks Found in Early Dinosaur Strata

Either a dinosaur walked on bird feet, or evolutionists are way off on their story of bird origins.

Lee Berger’s New Hominid Is a Non-Starter

How many times can you shake up a family tree before the family concept becomes a myth?

Fossils Show Up Earlier than Evolutionists Thought

"Earlier than thought" is a frequent phrase heard in Darwinian paleontology. Here are two more examples.

Brain of Homo Naledi Estimated

The intriguing hominid fossils from a South African cave make news again. This time, the discoverer and a team of anthropologists learn more about the brains of these creatures. Were they people? In 2013, the world was shocked to hear of bones of Homo deep within the Rising Star Cave system in South Africa. Bones […]

Homo naledi Is Young

The media are abuzz with disappointment that this cache of bones in South Africa is too young to be a missing link. Homo naledi is one of the most astonishing “hominin” fossil finds in recent years, on par with the “hobbits” (Homo floresiensis) of Indonesia. Debates have gone wild since Lee Berger announced hundreds of […]

Are Hobbits Human?

Are the little people of Indonesia and South Africa just small versions of us? Wherever they came from, and whatever they were doing in the caves in which they were found, they don't fit evolutionary expectations.

Scientists Blind to Their Failings

Scientism sounds appealing in theory. In practice, human scientists fall short of its ideals of enlightenment, progress and understanding.

Scientific Referencing Perpetuates Myths

Most scientific papers contain numerous references. Rather than enhancing scholarship, careless referencing can sometimes advance zombie science.

Human Evolution Timeline Contradicts Human Nature

Even stupid people don't sit around in caves for tens of thousands of years.

Organisms Refusing to Evolve Over Millions of Years

Several more cases of "extreme stasis" have turned up, calling into question Darwin's notion of constant, gradual change over millions of years.

Evaluating Homo naledi

Lee Berger's remarkable cache of hominid bones found deep in a South African cave is generating a lot of news, but major questions remain.

When Is a Fossil Not a Fossil? Oldest "Fossil" Debunked

Certain trace fossils said to be 3.45 billion years old are probably not fossils at all, a reassessment finds.

Divorce Spats Between Lucy and Designated Replacement

Lucy was the darling of the 1980s, but with Australopithecus sediba taking center stage, her fans are not happy.
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