Evolutionists Try to Explain Away Living Fossils

You can't play word games to deny extreme stasis. You can't say living fossils really are evolving.

Species Diversification Still an Evolutionary Puzzle

A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.

Calling It Evolution When It’s Not

Evolutionists' favorite word gets dragged into situations that don't involve speciation.

How to Strip Useless Darwinese from Science Articles

It's a bad habit that adds nothing. Acid-wash the Darwinese from science.

Information Sharing Is Not Evolution

Scientists are finding that organisms can use libraries of functional information obtained from one another.

Raven Tells Darwin “Nevermore”

Was there ever a more useless jargon generator than Darwinian evolution?

Origin of Species by Microbes?

Moving speciation from chance variation to microbiomes still leaves it up to chance.

What Is This Babbler Trying to Say?

Some Darwinians think the Sulawesi Babbler is saying "I evolved!" How do they know they are not mistranslating its babblings?

Evolution Evolves at Random

Imagine a science always shifting as if in Brownian motion, never getting anywhere. That's Darwinism.

Darwinism Proved. Now Go Back to Sleep.

It's an opportunity for a new convert to announce her initiation into the cult, that's all.

Some Professionally-Safe Darwin Doubters Are Now Speaking Out

When the coast is clear, and their careers are safe, some academics can afford to doubt Darwin publicly.

Natural Selection Theory Makes Scientists Lazy

'Natural selection' is a vacuous concept that provides a convenient way out from doing the hard work of science.

Is It Becoming Safer to Doubt Darwin?

One recent secular news article leaves Darwin flailing without answers, but don't expect a revolution just yet.

Elephants and Mammoths Were All One Kind

A new study of elephants, mammoths and mastodons show they were all interfertile or capable of hybridization. Our present world is impoverished of elephants, or “elephantids” as scientists dub the family. Mammoths and mastodons roamed throughout America and Asia, evidenced by the massive fossil beds, where millions of mammoth bones can be found in permafrost. […]

Next Evolutionary Icon: Peppered Snakes?

Sea snakes said to turn black due to 'industrial melanism'—a term from the old peppered moth story. Media go wild.
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