Scientism Moves into Speculative Fantasyland

Abandoning rigor, the Big Science Cartel and its promoters in the media turn goofy.

Darwin Media Competes for April Fool Award

They didn't realize they were taking part in a competition, but here we let our readers judge the winners.

Rethinking Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs have come along way from the horror films decades ago; their image is evolving.

Fire the Useless Darwinists

Science will gain more respect if it terminates the Darwinians. They could serve society better as truck drivers or laundry workers.

Hummingbirds and Humans Evolved by Mistake

To believe this evolutionary tale, one must accept that a genetic mistake created our beloved backyard acrobats.

Why Scientists Brag About Things They Cannot Know

Undeserved authority bestowed on scientists allows some of them to boast of knowledge they don't have.

Evolutionists Find it Hard to Imagine a Lifeless Mars

Is it possible for evolutionary scientists and reporters to mention Mars without imagining life?

On the Origin of Consciousness by Naturalistic Speculation

Consciousness, and how it evolved, is called the greatest mystery in the universe. After decades of research, it still baffles materialistic scientists.

Any Evolution for Platypus Yet?

It's been a long time since scientists have tried to Darwinize the platypus. Any progress?

Human Breast Milk Is Best for Infants

Cow milk Is for cows: new research provides yet another reason why human breast milk is the best for human infants.

Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation

No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press?

Astrobiologists Whip Up False Hopes

Astrobiology long ago abandoned the kind of science that fostered the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century.

More Excuses for Missing Dark Matter

How long can a theory survive repeated falsifications? Very long, when ideology (and funding) is at stake.

Photosynthesis: Darwin’s Great Mystery Is Still a Mystery

Dr Jerry Bergman explains why the origin of photosynthesis remains a profound problem for evolution.

Natural Selection Is Useless in Science

Can anyone name any real, true thing that Darwin's phrase "natural selection" has done to further understanding of nature?
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