Natural Selection Is Useless in Science

Can anyone name any real, true thing that Darwin's phrase "natural selection" has done to further understanding of nature?

Planet Origin Theories Contradict Physics

Materialists sound much more confident than they are about their theories for the origin of planets.

Aliens Invade Geology

Is secular geology about to take leave of its senses, believing in unicorns? Read on.

The Human Evolution Textbook Has to be Rewritten Yet Again!

This post by Dr. Jerry Bergman exposes the shoddy interpretations drawn from controversial flakes of rock that are turned by reporters into world-shattering news.

OOL Without Bluffing Is Nothing

Count the hopeful "could" words in a speculative NASA Astrobiology myth.

Is Pareidolia a Hypothesis?

Some astrobiologists see possible signs of life in Martian soil photographed by a rover. The rover project scientist begs to differ.

Just Say No! to Evolutionary Speculation

"Prove it!" used to be the goal of science. With rampant speculation in the science news media, it's time to demand accountability.
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