Nuts for Aliens

Believers in space aliens, or even space bacteria, have cast all restraint to the wind. SETI today is indistinguishable from a cult, and so is its stepchild, astrobiology.

Animals that Defy Long Ages

A lizard and an elephant join forces to question evolutionary dates.

Hi-Tech Human Brain Better Than Thought

The capacity of the human brain is stunning. We should use it more.

Darwinism Is a Constant; Just-So Stories Are Variables

Stories about the evolution of particular organisms often replace older stories, but the main plot is unalterable.

Sherpa Fitness Is Not Evolution

A study about mutations that might confer benefit to high-altitude Sherpas is being announced as an example of evolution, but variation within species is not Darwinian evolution.

Tiger in Oil and Other Surprising Fossils

Deposits in North and South America reveal a rich diversity of mammals discovered by oil workers, some fossils in the oil.

How the Tiger Got Its Stripes: Dunno

A leading hypothesis for morphogenesis (pattern formation, such as tiger stripes) has been shown to be oversimplified. Whatever gave a tiger its stripes is more complicated than developmental biologists thought.

Evolution Is Impossible to Falsify

Serious problems have been reported for Darwinian evolution in these pages, and by other reporters ever since Charles Darwin lived, that should have long ago swept his theory into the scientific dustbin of unworkable hypothesis. Yet neo-Darwinism survives, stronger than ever – strong enough to exclude any other alternative from the scientific competition. How can this be? A recent article shows how.
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