January 19, 2015 | David F. Coppedge

Dinosaur Extinction Was Global

Whatever killed the dinosaurs took place quickly in both North America and Europe simultaneously.

Did you know that most of the evidence for dinosaur extinction by an asteroid impact comes from North America?  Steven Brusatte is quoted in a EurekAlert article:

Dr Steve Brusatte of the University of Edinburgh’s School of GeoSciences (UK), an author on the report, added: “Everyone knows that an asteroid hit 66 million years ago and dinosaurs disappeared, but this story is mostly based on fossils from one part of the world, North America. We now know that European dinosaurs were thriving up to the asteroid impact, just like in North America. This is strong evidence that the asteroid really did kill off dinosaurs in their prime, all over the world at once.

By analyzing European dinosaur fossils, researchers at the University of Bucharest are tying two continents together:

In the Pyrenees of Spain and France, the best area in Europe for finding latest Cretaceous dinosaurs, meat and plant-eating species are present and seemingly flourishing during the final few hundred thousand years before the asteroid hit.

Details of the analysis are published in the Pensoft journal Zookeys.  The abstract states, “there is no clear evidence that dinosaurs or other groups were undergoing long-term declines in Europe prior to the bolide impact.”

The way science news gets reported is very misleading. If Gerta Keller (12/21/14) had a chance to respond, there would be a hefty debate about the asteroid theory vs. the lava theory. Instead, each institution gets to put out its talking points without rebuke by those who disagree. Reporters regurgitate the press releases without asking hard questions, giving the public an impression that each one-sided presentation is solid science.

Both the asteroid and lava theories leave many questions unanswered. Why did dinosaurs get hit so hard, but not butterflies, turtles, alligators, mammals and freshwater fish?  Both secular hypotheses depend on Darwin years instead of real years. Both ignore the powerful dinosaur soft-tissue evidence, and ignore hard evidence about human-dinosaur contact (e.g., dragon legends, carvings).

The only theory that makes sense of all the data (including the ignored data) is that a few dinosaurs survived the Flood, but were hunted down to extinction as pests or as trophies of conquest by men (dragon slayers). Worldwide, dinosaurs were buried in the Flood (that’s why they appear in mass graveyards in the “dinosaur death pose” indicating drowning. The few that came off the ark were killed by man over the next 3,000 years or so, without leaving fossils. Dinosaurs, in other words, haven’t been gone all that long. Humans are pretty good at wiping out species they don’t like, as 21st-century conservationists are well aware.




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