April 26, 2017 | David F. Coppedge

CEH Launches Major Upgrade


David Coppedge, Editor

David Coppedge, Editor

Hello visitors! and welcome. We hope you enjoy our newly-upgraded Creation-Evolution Headlines — your lively and trusted site for breaking news on origins!*

Our development team is still working on finishing touches. A few bugs remain to be fixed. Some other improvements are being made as time permits.

Beautiful nature photography opens the welcome screen in a slideshow of the top 7 stories. Every time you refresh the page, you get new photos and quotations.

As you scroll down, you’ll find lots of content here: articles on all topics in science and culture, biographies, and even (like any good newspaper must have) our own “Funny Pages.” The remaining old-style pages will be dressed up to match the new look and feel of CEH soon.

One important new development is the addition of more authors. Many of these have PhD’s in science, giving you knowledgeable analysis of the news in their areas of expertise. Watch for more contributing authors over time. We want to make CEH “the place to go” for news on creation and evolution.

Thanks for visiting. We hope you will share the word on your social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and other forums. The time has come to multiply our readership!

*This upgrade was made possible by donations large and small from faithful readers over the last 5 years. We extend our sincere appreciation to all who participated in this project.


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Categories: Amazing Facts, Awards

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