October 30, 2017 | David F. Coppedge

Evolutionists Offer Trick or Treat to Space Aliens

True believers in space evolution have gone totally spooky.

Cosmic Welcome Mats

A guy in Australia wants to lay out welcome mats all over the world for space aliens. Phys.org‘s coverage, “One small doorstep for man: Cosmic mat welcomes aliens,” reports a plan by “experimental philosopher” Jonathon Keats and “space archaeologist” Alice Gorman of Flinders University to place his mat designs, even though neither of them have a clue if aliens will understand them.

“It may look like an ordinary door mat, but its creators insist the conceptual art piece could encourage alien life to visit Earth—and help create a new kind of space archaeology ” (Phys.org)

Dubbed the “Cosmic Welcome Mat” it features swirls of red, sky blue, and violet against a black border, and is meant to convey a warm reception to all sentient life in the universe….

Keats hopes eventually there will be a replica rug on “everybody’s doorstep“, adding that he is in early talks with NASA to have one placed at the International Space Station.

Did the Phys.org reporter laugh when he or she reported this? It’s not clear anyone could keep a straight face at this line from Keats:

“I started thinking about how we might be perceived by beings elsewhere in the universe. It struck me that we really might not be seen as being especially friendly.”

World-renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking, whose PhD thesis just posted online got 2 million hits (BBC News), has famously warned against advertising our presence. He thinks space aliens are likely to conquer us, not befriend us. But he doesn’t mind eavesdropping on his invisible friends. “Two years ago, British physicist Stephen Hawking launched ‘Breakthrough Listen’, the biggest-ever search for intelligent extraterrestrial life using some of Earth’s biggest telescopes,” the article says.

Gorman tries to justify the welcome mats by saying they will collect space dust over time that could be collected and analyzed for science. Why not just pick it off their own old doormats? Meanwhile, Keats shows his true colors:

Keats—whose previous efforts included a bid to genetically engineer God and porn films for houseplants –- said he wanted people to think more deeply about the challenges of communicating not just with those living among the stars, but also next door.

Porn films for houseplants. Genetically engineering God. Would you want him living next door? This guy gets warm coverage on a ‘science’ site that would never think of entertaining the views of intelligent design scientists who have multiple PhDs in legitimate sciences.

Excuse the Silence

Here’s why we haven’t heard from space aliens yet: they’re living underwater. This is Space.com‘s latest response to the Fermi Paradox, the notion that if aliens exist we should have heard from them by now. Mike Wall conveys a new idea from Alan Stern, chief scientist for the Pluto mission: they’re hidden under icy crusts in liquid oceans.

Stern bases his speculation on the fact that underground oceans might exist on moons of our own solar system (Europa, Enceladus, Titan, Pluto etc.). Although no life of any kind has been found in any of these hypothetical oceans, Stern thinks they are nice places to live:

“Impacts and solar flares, and nearby supernovae, and what orbit you’re in, and whether you have a magnetosphere, and whether there’s a poisonous atmosphere — none of those things matter,” he told Space.com.

But the same thing that protects these environments from harm and change — their overlying shell of ice (or ice and rock) — also likely isolates them.

If they have technology, and let’s say they’re broadcasting, or they have city lights or whatever — we can’t see it in any part of the spectrum, except maybe very-low-frequency [radio],” Stern said.

So that’s why we haven’t heard from them yet. While Stern is speculating, he may as well up the ante:

And there’s another factor to consider: How likely is it that aliens in such environments are trying to communicate? Buried in the dark depths, would they even know about the countless other stars in the galaxy? They’d have to tunnel up to the surface just to get a look.

It would also be tough for aquatic aliens to develop crewed spaceflight, Stern noted, since their life-support systems would require lots of water, which is very heavy.

So that’s why we don’t find aliens. Headline: “Where Are All the Intelligent Aliens? Maybe They’re Trapped in Buried Oceans.”

As you wag your head in disbelief, shake your fist in anger, too. The wacko storytellers can say anything they want in the secular science media, but try to get a sensible creationist’s views published, and reporters would go nuts with rage.

Big Science and Big Media have become corrupt under materialism. We need a new Reformation.


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