Evolutionary Advice on the Pandemic Is Not Helpful
Darwin is trying to sneak into the discussion on how to stay well during the coronavirus epidemic.

Chuck-in-the-Box pops up uninvited.
Coronavirus: experts in evolution explain why social distancing feels so unnatural (The Conversation). Isabelle Winder and Vivian Shaw insert a Darwin story into the imaginations of people lonely at home.
There is some great advice out there about how to stay connected at such times. But why is the act of social distancing so hard for so many of us? The answer probably has more to do with our evolutionary history than people might think.
Humans are part of a very sociable group, the primates. Primates are distinguished from other animals by their grasping hands and various ways of moving around, and because they show a high level of social interaction.
This tale accomplishes nothing, and is no more scientific than a theological doctrine that we are made for one another. It’s even illogical, because it postulates that human primates can exercise free will to violate what their selfish genes make them want to do. So now, natural selection has free will? Ridiculous.
As we evolved since our split with chimpanzees, our brains have continued to expand. These increases seem to fit with even more intense reliance on community.
This also makes no sense in evolutionary theory. A bigger brain should fit with less intense reliance on community. Every big-brained individual human primate should be able to shove away all competition, pound his chest and say, “Step aside, brutes; I’ll do it my way.” But that’s the point with evolutionary theory; it is so flexible, it can propose opposite “scenarios” that are just as ludicrous as any other one in the Darwin Storytelling Society (i.e., the secular media).
“Our inner ape craves company,” they conclude. Does it help you pass the time imagining yourself as a chimpanzee picking ticks off the back of other chimps? Were you blessed by Winder and Shaw’s little bedtime story? They said, “people might think.” They should try that.
Dutch Doctors Ask Eldery to Choose: Ventilation or Let Virus ‘Run Its Course’ (Breitbart News). Here’s health advice for those afflicted with the virus: die. Just die. In the Netherlands, once a bastion of Reformation faith but now a secular society drunk on Darwin, a newspaper quotes one doctor saying of the crisis: “In short, we are faced with a sort of natural selection masked by selective euthanasia.” Christians in that nation once believed in helping the poor and dying, but the newspaper’s “chilling” article reflects the current government’s Darwinian attitude: “the Dutch parliament is nonetheless considering the introduction of assisted suicide for ‘completed life.'” Obviously, if you get the virus, you’re not the fittest, are you? The virus is.
Climate vs coronavirus: Why massive stimulus plans could represent missed opportunities (Nature). Jeff Tollefson echoes the maxim of Rahm Emanuel who said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before” (i.e., by Congress or a vote). Tollefson is upset that more money in the USA’s rescue package was not designated for global warming remediation. So get this; people are dying, and businesses need help fast to keep from going under and putting millions out of work, and all he can think about is his pet peeve. Let him set a good example and resolve never to fly anywhere again, except on planes powered by windmills.
Leftist: Let’s use coronavirus to eliminate ‘the family’ (WND). This conservative news site noticed a disturbing headline:
A far-left publication that gets some of its support for the liberal billionaire George Soros says there could be some good that comes out of the coronavirus pandemic.
For example, the total elimination of “the family.”
“We deserve better than the family. And the time of corona is an excellent time to practice abolishing it,” wrote an article in OpenDemocracy.net.
Talk about not letting a crisis go to waste, to do things leftists could not do before, like social engineering. Jordan Sekulow from the conservative American Center for Law and Justice is quoted calling this article “preposterous” and “incendiary.” It certainly is not helpful for families struggling to help one another get through the pandemic. What’s the alternative? Letting children, seniors and everyone fend for themselves? Putting everyone in government camps? Come on.
Greta: We must fight the climate crisis and pandemic simultaneously (New Scientist). The Darwin-loving science magazine New Scientist once again trots out Greta Thunberg to push climate change policy with as much vigor as stopping the coronavirus. Since when is an uninformed, brainwashed teenage crybaby the voice of science?
Social distancing and blame: Researcher cites lessons from past pandemics (Medical Xpress). This website is supposed to disseminate helpful news about medicine and health, but look: it takes its cue uncritically from anti-Trumpers in the leftist media. Madeleine Mant from the University of Toronto tries to indirectly shame the American president for calling it the “Chinese virus.”
When we have people insisting on calling COVID-19 “the Chinese virus,” that is language being used as a weapon and we can’t ignore it,” Mant says. “It’s not even being subtly racist. It’s just openly stigmatizing.”
With selective reporting, she draws from history to cry about people who had their feelings hurt by associating a country with a disease. Funny; Madeleine doesn’t say anything about German measles, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), or swine flu. Don’t pigs have feelings? If you are in intensive care with the coronavirus, if you had called it the Chinese virus, you’ll feel much better knowing you are a dirty, stigmatizing racist.
Judges say abortions must go on (World Magazine). At the same time churches are pressured to close all over the country, leftist judges are calling abortion an ‘essential’ health service. Lynde Langdon reports:
Healthcare providers across the country have postponed elective surgeries during the COVID-19 outbreak, but courts are telling states they cannot require abortionists to do the same. Several governors have ordered a halt to nonessential medical procedures, including abortion, but federal judges in Alabama, Ohio, and Texas rolled back the measures on Monday. Judges are expected to rule soon in similar cases in Iowa and Oklahoma.
Readers will surely be comforted and encouraged by these evolutionary advisors.
To pre-empt critics who would accuse Christians by asking why a loving God would allow a global pandemic, several theological principles need to be understood. This is a fallen world! It is a world of rebels. As Creator, God would have every right to destroy the world, just as a potter could smash a defective jar and toss it in the waste bin. Who could stop his hand, or say that it would be wrong to do that? But He did not. He had a master plan to overcome Satan’s usurpation of his creation and redeem mankind. That plan cost the life of Jesus Christ, the Son, co-equal with the Father and the Spirit in the one, triune deity. Can we be grateful for what he did for us, rather than gripe about everything?
Despite the curse, God did not leave himself without witness. I was out admiring the wildflowers the other day. Nature’s beauty continues while the virus storm scares us humans. People can still enjoy music, the growth of a baby, the pleasure of food. The witness of God’s care is as close as your own body. We report frequently about the wonders within us. If 99.99% of your systems were not working perfectly, you would already be dead. That’s true of cancer patients and the severely disabled like Stephen Hawking, whose ATP synthase motors, digestive tract, heart, lungs and brain were all hard at work, allowing him to think and perform abstract calculations in his head.
One of the reasons for judgment stated in Romans 1:23 is a lack of thankfulness. If we would all learn to be grateful instead of complaining, we would take a big step toward understanding the ways of God. Sure, there is a great deal of pain and suffering in the world; much of it is judgment on sin, and some is undoubtedly steered by Satan, as the Book of Job suggests. Job learned that God can teach us things through suffering that we would never appreciate otherwise.
The Bible teaches us to love our neighbors and help those who are sick and in need. Join the forces on the front lines and support those who sacrifice for the good of others. That is Christlike. We are all going to die eventually, whether through a disease like this or some other cause. Be grateful for each breath, each heartbeat, each sensation of beauty and love. Jesus promised to his followers, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die” (John 11:25). Mary, to whom he was speaking had the response that saves: “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.”