Dark Matter Believers Panicking
Where is this stuff they keep telling us makes up most of the universe? The ideas are getting even more bizarre.
New Hubble Data Suggests There is an Ingredient Missing from Current Dark Matter Theories (Hubble Space Telescope). Whatever it is, it is not cooperating like good old empirical science says it should.
Observations by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile have found that something may be missing from the theories of how dark matter behaves. This missing ingredient may explain why researchers have uncovered an unexpected discrepancy between observations of the dark matter concentrations in a sample of massive galaxy clusters and theoretical computer simulations of how dark matter should be distributed in clusters. The new findings indicate that some small-scale concentrations of dark matter produce lensing effects that are 10 times stronger than expected.
Dark matter in galaxy clusters is behaving oddly and we don’t know why (New Scientist). Who’s “we” paleface? Writer Leah Crane, using Tontological rhetoric, fails to realize not everybody is deluded by the theory that keeps running afoul of observation. Will secular astronomers ever begin to seriously question their assumptions? How long must this snipe hunt go on?
Something doesn’t look quite right in clusters of galaxies. The structure of the dark matter that suffuses these enormous clumps of matter is far different to what we would expect, and none of our current models can explain this behaviour.
Physicists explain mysterious dark matter deficiency in galaxy pair (University of California, Riverside). With cocky demeanor, two astronomers at UCR tell their press release writers to proclaim, “UC Riverside-led study found self-interacting dark matter theory explains why two galaxies have less dark matter than others.” Why is the estimate 300 times lower than expected? It’s hidden in the jargonwocky behind the high perhapsimaybecouldness index.
Yu explained tidal mass loss could occur in both CDM and SIDM halos. In CDM, the inner halo structure is “stiff” and resilient to tidal stripping, which makes it difficult for a typical CDM halo to lose sufficient inner mass in the tidal field to accommodate observations of NGC 1052-DF2 and -DF4. In contrast, in SIDM, dark matter self-interactions could push dark matter particles from the inner to the outer regions, making the inner halo “fluffier” and enhancing the tidal mass loss accordingly. Further, the stellar distribution becomes more diffuse.
Now, to find those elusive “dark matter particles” that keep evading detection. Hai-Bo was joined by two friends from communist China in this taxpayer-funded hunt.

Zoomed-in view of hypothetical dark matter.
Zooming in on dark matter (Durham University). They found it! It’s virtual dark matter! Virtual means it’s not really dark matter; it just appears in their computer simulations of the “virtual universe.” Maybe they will fall into the computer screen like the characters in Tron and actually be able to touch it. They just won’t be able to bring any samples back to the real world.
By zooming-in on the virtual universe in such microscopic detail, our researchers studied the structure of dark matter haloes ranging from those the mass of Earth to a big galaxy cluster.
The research sheds light on small haloes as we seek to learn more about what dark matter is and the role it plays in the evolution of the universe.
UH Mānoa researchers predict location of novel candidate for mysterious dark energy (University of Hawaii). Dark energy is the other dark thing that astronomers can’t find but know must be there. They’re calling their latest candidate GEODEs (Generic Objects of Dark Energy). Visions of the mystical candidates are beginning to appear in the crystal ball.
The researchers were cautiously optimistic about their results. “It was thought that, without a direct detection of something different than a Kerr [Black Hole] signature from LIGO-Virgo [gravitational wave observatories], you’d never be able to tell that GEODEs existed,” said Farrah. Croker added, “but now that we have a clearer understanding of how Einstein’s equations link big and small, we’ve been able to make contact with data from many communities, and a coherent picture is beginning to form.”
But what if the Objects of Dark Energy are proprietary, and not generic? Then they will have to pay for them out of their own pockets.
Since the secular astronomers and cosmologists are lost in space and getting nowhere, how about getting out of the box? Dr Danny Faulkner, a creationist astronomer, described the finding of “A galaxy with little or no dark matter” in a 2018 article at Creation Ministries International. Faulkner is not ruling out dark matter, but sheds some needed light on the motivations behind the endless search for it among secular astronomers:
As I previously stated, the question of dark matter is debated among physicists and astronomers, but dark matter is the dominant theory. However, among creationists, there is much more skepticism about dark matter. Why is this? This may stem from dark matter’s invocation in cosmology today. Once astronomers became convinced of the reality of dark matter three decades ago, cosmologists realized that dark matter was another free parameter that they could manipulate in the big bang model. Consequently, some critics of the big bang have viewed it as a rescuing device.
If it exists, they had better find it soon. We’re getting tired of the rescuing tactics and excuses.