JWST Sets Record for Early Mature Galaxies

The James Webb Space Telescope sees mature stars and galaxies too early for big bang theory.

Big Bang Cosmology Still in Crisis

The lumpiness problem keeps getting worse, and most of reality is unknown.

Cosmology Could Be Fundamentally Flawed

Citizens should know about mistaken predictions in science.

Could Antimatter Space Travel Take Us to the Stars?

Could we use antimatter-based propulsion to visit alien worlds?

Big Bang Failures Reach the Breaking Point

If prediction is a test of good science, Big Bang theory should be renamed Big Bust.

Black Hole Count Rises, Compounding Cosmology’s Lumps

The lumpiness problem has just been multiplied as JWST finds numerous large early black holes.

Hawking’s Final Theorem Does Not Produce a Viable Theory of Cosmic Origins

It illustrates the problem of being blinded by your conclusion, then attempting to build a case to support it.

On the Origin of Natural Law by Materialism

Attempts to prove that the universe’s origin occurred purely as a result of natural law fail.

Nobody Can Explain Early Galaxies

Mature galaxies right near the beginning – this repeated theme has the theorists at wit's end.

Do Cosmologists See Clearly with Chickenwire?

They talk glibly about observing objects billions of light-years away, but their empiricism is tainted by assumptions.

JWST Finds Mature Galaxy in Young Universe

"We are dropping everything else" shouts an astrophysicist upon first look at a mature barred spiral in the early universe.

ABG Cosmology: Anything But God

Cosmologists can admit total ignorance about origins and publish "science" articles, as long as they remain ABG.

Axions: Another Dark Matter Candidate Not Found

The endless quest for a dark matter particle comes up empty again. Too much is invested in the search to give up.

JWST Finds Un-Big-Banged Galaxies

Astronomers were surprised to find disk galaxies older than they should be.

No Escape from “In the Beginning”

The universe had a beginning. Cyclic universes don't work.
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