Archives: Oxygen, Early Mature Universe, Cell Proofreading, More

This set of entries from January 2002 contains major announcements that we have cited ever since.

JWST State of the Universe Address

The universe is not what cosmologists expected.

Quantized Redshifts Are Still Being Discussed

If redshifts of extragalactic objects are indeed quantized, the big bang theory will be a casualty.

Big Jets Challenge Cosmology

Twin jets from a black hole are too big for theory.

Science Media Abandons Empiricism

By failing to exercise restraint, reporters launch themselves into speculative fantasy islands.

How Big Bang Cosmology Might Die

  The Cosmological Constant Problem: Is this the end of big bang cosmology?

Smooth Universe Baffles Big Bang Theory

The smoothness problem is yet another problem for big bang cosmologists. No solution is in sight.

Archive: Plant Email, Aliens, Sex, Sandstone, More

Here's a collection of short articles published by CEH in July 2001.

Cosmic Tension: Modern Cosmology Has Big Holes

Leading cosmologists admit major problems with orthodox cosmology.

Early Mature Galaxy Record Surpassed Again

The James Webb Space Telescope keeps finding large galaxies earlier than theory permits.

JWST Sets Record for Early Mature Galaxies

The James Webb Space Telescope sees mature stars and galaxies too early for big bang theory.

Big Bang Cosmology Still in Crisis

The lumpiness problem keeps getting worse, and most of reality is unknown.

Cosmology Could Be Fundamentally Flawed

Citizens should know about mistaken predictions in science.

Could Antimatter Space Travel Take Us to the Stars?

Could we use antimatter-based propulsion to visit alien worlds?

Big Bang Failures Reach the Breaking Point

If prediction is a test of good science, Big Bang theory should be renamed Big Bust.
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