A Tipping Point Election
The consequences of this US election
could be dire, yet millions refuse to
exercise their right to vote
— How bad could things get if socialists take control of the United States? —
Early voting is in high gear in the US, with most waiting to cast their ballots on Election Day November 5th. This is not any ordinary election. Elon Musk said it could well be the last election in the United States. That’s because the choice is between avowed socialists (who call themselves “Progressives”) and candidates who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law.
One only has to remember history to see how bad things could get: Venezuela, once a jewel of democracy and natural resources in the 1990s, is now a socialist hell-hole after socialist Hugo Chavez took power in 1999, promising the citizens “hope and change” (see Prager U video). Starvation, crime, and tyranny are now facts of life under Chavez’s hand-picked successor, Nicolas Maduro, who “won re-election” this year against mass protests of the citizens who know it was rigged (funny how dictators always win elections, isn’t it?). And the dark spectre of communism in Russia and China led to well over a hundred million deaths of citizens (see this Epoch Times video).
The USA is different, you may think, but don’t kid yourself. We know how socialists think and act. It’s always about power and control. Socialists appeal to the masses with propaganda about appeals to fairness and equity, but it always ends in tyranny (Prager U video). Despite this threat, according to this shocking article by the Family Research Council, some 41 million evangelicals will probably not vote. They will sit out this election out of laziness, dislike of both candidates, or apathy, complaining that their vote will make little difference. Not true! If every God-fearing person voted, there would be no contest: the socialists would lose, because the vast majority of evangelicals strongly oppose a socialist takeover of the United States. Ken Ham reminded his listeners recently that not to vote is to vote. There is no neutral position. Abstaining from voting is equivalent to voting for evil to triumph. If the socialists win, therefore, those who fear God but didn’t vote will have nobody to blame but themselves.
I put together a list of what could well happen if America descends into socialism. These are realistic expectations considering recent history of policies put in place by socialist leaders in Canada, Australia, and some European countries, and how recent and current socialist-leaning US administrations have talked and behaved. If evangelicals could see into the future, and witness even a few of these coming to pass, would they not cry out to God for mercy and race to the ballot box? Would they not influence as many others as possible to vote to prevent these tragedies? Some of these consequences have already begun. Under socialism, they will only get worse.
- Pastors imprisoned for hate speech for reading Romans 1 from the pulpit.
- Unlimited abortion becomes federal law, overruling all state restrictions [no filibuster]. Pregnancy centers forced to close.
- 40 million more illegal immigrants allowed into USA, including known terrorists and murderers, swamping resources and escalating the national debt.
- Amnesty, including voting rights, given to all illegal aliens.
- Permanent leftist majority through rigged elections and open borders.
- Packed Supreme Court ensuring permanent leftist decisions from SCOTUS.
- US Constitution deemed racist, and new “social justice” document written to replace it.
- Millions more Americans killed with fentanyl-laced drugs and candies.
- Human trafficking skyrocketing and drug cartels getting filthy rich.
- Homeless camps expanding all over major cities.
- Growth of torture gangs, extortion rings, and smash-and-grab robberies.
- Another major terrorist attack greater than 9/11.
- Mandatory gun confiscation, with prison for non-compliance.
- Taxpayer-funded sex changes for prisoners, children and anyone who wants them.
- Women’s sports eliminated by transgender males pretending to be women.
- Taxpayer-funded reparations for all blacks who never personally suffered slavery, paid by non-blacks who never owned slaves.
- Replacement of police with “social justice workers”. No one answers 9-1-1.
- Mandatory drag queen story hours and LGBT presentations in all public schools. Parents not informed; arrested as “domestic terrorists” if they speak out.
- Donald Trump bankrupted, imprisoned, or forced into exile by leftist lawfare.
- Redistribution of wealth for climate change “sins” of wealthy nations.
- Elimination of all gas-powered cars, gas stoves, and gas furnaces.
- End of freedom to travel wherever and whenever you want.
- Relocation of citizens into dense cities in the name of “climate justice”.
- Evaporation of your life savings due to inflation, high taxes, and redistribution of wealth.
- Squatters taking your house, with no recourse for you the owner.
- Price controls leading to bread lines, soup kitchens, empty shelves and starvation. A depression dwarfing that of 1929.
- Another pandemic caused by careless rogue scientists, or enemy nations, genetically modifying viruses for biological warfare.
- No accountability for leftists who commit lawless acts, but extreme penalties for conservatives. No transparency in official “investigations”.
- No restraint on the global ambitions of China, Russia and other totalitarians.
- Increased UN control of healthcare, diet, and natural resources.
- Censorship of views critical of the regime, and jail for whistleblowers.
- Rise in political assassinations and lawfare.
- American media becomes new Pravda, the only outlet people can hear.
- The end of American Christian missions.
- The decline of religious freedom around the world.
- Loss of the American “city on a hill” with its light of liberty. The hope of freedom-loving people around the world extinguished.
- Israel loses its greatest ally; America becomes its enemy.
- Iran hits Israel with nuclear bomb, or another H-bomb triggers World War III.
- The unthinkable: American cities hit with nuclear weapons.
Needless to say, a socialist government would also be inimical to the teaching of creation. The DODOs would consolidate their power, preventing even private citizens, home schools, and individuals from hearing evidence critical of Darwinism. That’s what happened in the former Soviet Union and China, where Darwinism replaced religion. Pastors were murdered, and churches were turned into museums of atheism. Socialists despise accountability to a Creator more powerful than themselves. They demand that the State take the place of God. Under the State, “All animals are equal” they promise, but in the final tally, some animals are more equal than others.
America, you have a choice. Vote like your life depends on it.